Forum Discussion

Anonymous's avatar
11 years ago

Re: Red alert 2 black screen with sound and mouse

This problem usually happens if you have a custom install/mods or any of the original game files in the folder is missing/renamed (should not happen with the ultimate collection),  kinda strange it happens for you.

Windows detects red alert 2 and applies compat settings automatically, that fails on custom installations. You could try to apply them on your own using the application compatibility toolkit from microsoft, here are the settings you need to apply (game.exe / gamemd.exe):


DXPrimaryEmulation -DisableMaxWindowedMode


Make sure you run the tool as admin, else it won't do anything at all


There is also a ddraw proxy dll which can fix some of the problems, but it is in beta stage and it might not be the best to use it atm

8 Replies

  • Using that application did nothing at all sadly ☹️, and I have yet to run any mods on RA2/YR.  Why would my case scenario produce no fixes so far but most everyone else has it working?

    I'm losing my mind!

  • Anonymous's avatar
    10 years ago

    What complete and utter nonsense; I've just installed this game fresh (unmodified in anyway), on a fresh windows installation with all the very latest drivers and windows updates and its screwed.

    All I get is black screen, game sounds and a white mouse icon..  Good one Origin.

    Something else worth mentioning:

    <------- Look at my Avatar, I never at any point EVER chose to use any kind of FIFA/Football image as my Origin AVATAR, not once.  In fact, i created my own personal one.   It seems that not only do Origin knowingly chose to give away or sell you games that don't work out of the box,  they also choose to manipulate your avatars to self-promote their up and coming games (i.e Fifa 16), doing their utmost to subliminally promote it all over their website.

    Back to Steam we go....  A magical place with a far superior community, where everything just works!

  • first time i liked the free origin game and now it just doenst work on my windows 10 laptop..

  • Yep, broken for me too. I've been through the sticky thread but none of that worked either (Win 8.1).

    It seems a bit odd to advertise your service with a free game that doesn't work on current operating systems, but there you go. 

  • Anonymous's avatar
    10 years ago

    I am not a programmer, and it seems to me that in order to play these games you must work with code, adjust file locations, rename certain files, ect. We need ORIGIN to help with these issues, not a user based community. They changed my avatar to something stupid as well. So typical of a company to sell broken software and depend on their customers to resolve the issue. This puts pure hatred into my heart. Steam has all the games they have anyways. 

  • this is the real issue. selling knowingly broken games and utterly refusing to service them knowing that desperate gamers--the biggest consumer suckers in the world--will do your job for free. It's pure cash mining off an old brand.

    I'm asking for a refund on the entire package. Tiberian Sun didn't work and now RA2 doesn't work. They all have the exact same issues, which means it's a compatibility problem that EA si more than capable of solving with their professionals.

    That's what they're paid to do.

    I'm not digging into code to make games work. That's why I pay people to do this.

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