@ZetsuAiPlays I'ts not just that your computer is a bit old it's that it is well, well below what is required to run the game (that you managed to get it to run at all is somewhat amazing). Just because your computer has been handling the game so far, it won't continue to indefinitely. By forcing your computer to run something beyond its capabilities you can (and most likely will) wear out/damage your hardware. It's very likely that your computer will get to the stage (if it isn't already) where it can't run the game anymore, or where it just carks it entirely.
The damage (if there is any) can also mess up your hard drives, as they are somewhat prone to being affected by damage to other components in my experience. If you have anything on your harddrive you want to keep, I highly suggest backing it up on external storage.
If you're determined to continue playing on that computer, and it's overheating (if you're not sure if it's overheating, I suggest using something like HWmonitor (it's what I use. You want the free version, not pro) to check), usually the first thing to check for is dust.
As your computer is a laptop, you'll also want to make sure you're playing somewhere well ventilated, and not with the computer on your lap (despite the name, having a computer on your lap really isn't great for it, unless perhaps if you use a lapdesk, preferably one with fans).
Is the game crashing immediately, or after playing for a while? If the latter, it does sound similar to my experience with overheating (though in my case the game just crashed to desktop, it didn't cause my whole computer to turn off). For me, it was a combination of a video card prone to overheating and the external temperature (it was summer. In Australia. Really hot, in other words 😛 ). There wasn't really anything I could do other than not play when it was hot. Eventually I ended up replacing my GPU (now that it's winter I really miss my old one, it was a great heater 😛 ), as the overheating really wasn't good for it or my computer.
If you're still having issues and would like more help, perhaps it might be best if you start a new thread, with a new dxdiag and a full rundown of what you've done, what's worked, etc. Might make things a bit easier to keep track of. 🙂