10 years ago
DA:O Invalid license. Reason code=Missing DLL:{NxCharacter.dll} Error: 0x7E.
So i recently started to play the free version of DA:O and i got hooked on it. so after few days of playng the game i bought the DA:O-Ultimate edition. The game worked fine until few days later when...
- 9 years ago
Again, you need the latest PhysX - http://www.nvidia.com/object/physx-9.16.0318-driver.html
That is the right version, not the one provided by ItsBilbo and others.
If you're reading this at some later date, go to http://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx and click on the 'NVIDIA PhysX System Software' link to download the latest version, or try http://www.nvidia.com/object/physx_system_software.html