I keep getting the same error in single-player game sometimes during cutscenes, while switching locations, at war table etc. I used to get it more often, then I applied all the possible solutions I found on the Internet and now I usually get this error about 1 time in 3-4 hours of playing or so.
Fine, I got used to it.
What I can't get used to is my game crashing with DirectX error EVERY time I try to enter coop game (multiplayer) by pressing cooperative game button (or whatever it's called in English) in the main menu. I get the loading screen and then the game crashes.
Well, I actually managed to enter coop game a couple of times after I played single-player game for a couple of hours, then returned to the main menu and then attempted to enter coop game. That worked but can hardly be called a solution since there are times when I just want to play coop, not single-player game.
The worst thing about this is I just can't understand why my game would crash because of graphics error while switching from one menu to another. I can understand crashes during the gameplay, in big battles, in huge locations with a lot of stuff in them - when my computer is overloaded with graphics processing and AI calculations, but crashing while switiching menus? This is beyond my understanding....
DAI is the only game I can think of that often freezes in the main menu and crashes while switching menus. That's just... weird.
I have ATI Radeon HD 5770 with the latest drivers installed (the very ones that "fully support DAI").