@elmoh wrote:
@Prodicae wrote:
I received the same DirectX error running Inquisition on my GTX 680 (DirectX function "GetDeviceRemovedReason" failed with DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG). I'm running the latest DirectX 11 and GeForce Driver version 344.75. I tried all the recommended fixes on this thread but none worked.
Finally I decided to ramp up my video card fan speed to 100% manually. Since then I have not received this DirectX HUNG error. Try this solution out and tell me how it works for you!
It seems to me this error is occuring from video cards overheating due to automatic fan speed not compensating during gameplay. I've been playing the game on Ultra settings so this makes sense to me.
I have also experienced crashing while my video card was seriously hot. I was concerned about it because I almost burned my hand touching it. I've been tracking the heat of my GTX780 ever since.
My question is this: How do you manually control your video card's fan speed?
Normally a program like MSI Afterburner would be used to change fan profiles, however I am reading that can cause problems with DA:I.
Try going into Nvidia control panel and setting "Vertical sync" to "Adaptive (half refresh rate)" as a possible temporary fix.
You may have to uncheck vertical sync in DA:I for it to take affect. And possibly set DA:I exe to run as administrator.
Run DA:I from Origin, I.e. don't use your 60 fps shortcuts.