Forum Discussion
yay! this is like the 3rd game I've ever stood up late for and it doesn't work. I also have had an issue where the EA UI activator runs in the background, but does nothing. So please EA if you guys can try to fix this up that be great. I'm tired and cranky (Not to mention the others thousands of people on the same boat) and I payed $70 for the deluxe edition I my payment didn't crash when u took the money, so could you guys make the game NOT crash when I start it up. thanks guys!!
Mines a little different game starts up loads and starts auto save function. Even starts to play DAI music but never goes further. If i try to click anythign game freezes. Please help this is kinds stupid.
- 11 years ago
I'm having the same problem. It'll play the music and everything, but it won't go to the main menu.
- Anonymous11 years ago
same problem here and have no idea what to do
- Anonymous11 years agoMine is showing the save display, starts playing music and stops before the main menu. I also don't think I have a config file.
- Anonymous11 years ago
I also have this problem. **bleep** this I stayed up until 3am trying to get it to work.
- Anonymous11 years ago
im having the same problem and i am about to return the game
- Anonymous11 years ago
I can't seem to load it either.. no music, no logo, just a black screen. I do have a quad core as well....
I tried the no wifi, I tried updating the .Net I tried running as admin, I tried restarting, I tried "Repair Game" in the origins program.......
So wtf?
- Anonymous11 years ago
This is getting ridiculous. I FINALLY get the darn game to update and let me actually luanch it and then this exact thing happens...I mean, really? And has there been ANY help for this and the dozens of other fatal, game breaking crashes and errors??? Please write back if you figure out how to fix/get around this newest "issue", I would really, REALLY like to play this game that I forked up a stupid amount of money for sometime this year, thanks.
- Anonymous11 years ago
Alright, I'm almost positive this is an "Orgin" issue. I pass the minimum requirements, I've uninstalled and reinstalled both Orgin and DA:I, I have updated Windows 8 64 bit/nVidia 760/and intel graphic driver chipsets, I have disconected my gamepad (as I read on another forum ppl were waving issues with), and I repaired the frikkin game several times now...nothing. Still barely manage to get to the main menu for about ten seconds before the music stops the screen freezes and the game locks up, forcing me to have to alt+tab (and at time have to do a complete ctrl+alt+delete to even be able to pull up task manager) and manually end-task. I have read through EVERY frikkin page on these forums that have to do with DA:I not starting/crashing at main menu and I have followed every bloody step everyone and their dog has posted, and NOTHING has worked for me...In despair and on the brink of having a frikkin stroke brought on by an entire wasted night's worth of screwing around trying to get the game I pre-ordered MONTHS ago to just frikkin work, I completely shut Origin's setting off. Went into settings and made sure Origin was not allowed to run in-game and then went offline. The game started, allowed me to change my graphics settings without crashing, and even let me get as far as create a character...I was in hesitant hope that I had figured out how to just frikkin play, even if I was offline and the world save I had spent hours in DA Keep creating (my save games from the previous two games were lost in a hardware failure and I havent had the time to replay) wasn't able to upload, and started letting myself enjoy the beautiful graphics of the character creation (on a side note, would it kill EA to actually make it possible to create an attractive female in ANY of their games?). After exploring the different options and upon almost completing my character, I heard a dread-inducing "systems-error" jingle. Game locked up and I had to ctrl+alt+delete to get out. Upon reaching desktop I found a nasty little error box greeting me. Now there was some problem with directX. I'm done. I'm tired, I'm pissed and I just want this damn game to work. I'll check back in a few hours to see if anyone or perhaps...EA themselves? -no...that'd be to much to frikkin ask for- has figured out a way to fix these issues. I really hope so, because this game actually really looks amazing (my hatred for all the youtubers who have had absolutely no issues and flaunt their ability to play this so easily is growing by the moment >_< ;')). I hope everyone who is having these issues finds a way around them and is able to enjoy their hard-earned gameplay, just let the rest of us know, hey? Peace!
- 11 years ago
Same happens for me ☹️ Updated drivers and disabled AVG and evrything
- 11 years ago
Same here, start black screen music save icon, and nothing
- Anonymous11 years ago
Same over here!
Waited pretty long for this game, not to mention the money i spend! At least, i´m not the only one, so it´s not the problem of my PC. Let´s just hope that EA brings the necessary patch fast!
- Anonymous11 years ago
Same problem here!
- Anonymous11 years ago
I'ts because the game dont run on dual core only on quad core
same problem here
- Anonymous11 years ago
@Bahamuti27 wrote:I'ts because the game dont run on dual core only on quad core
same problem here
His dxdiag says 4 cpus. Mine says 8... Maybe the dual core issue has the same symptom. However they outright say dual core is not supported, ours should technically be working.
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