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This is your one stop spot for all things Dragon Age Keep! The links below will take you to either articles on Help.EA.com or guides posted originally on the Bioware forums.
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9 years ago
Loading Playthrough States
Spoiler Gates
Spoiler Toggle
FAQs and Troubleshooting
Loading Playthrough States
If you've played DA:I on a PC or console that's connected to the internet, you should see new states appear in the 'Playthrough States' section of the Keep. Each state represents every time you've started a new game (yes, rejected character creation attempts are counted here). Your most recent saved game will always appear in the first slot, marked 'Current Playthrough.'
First, select the playthrough you want to import to the tapestry. You can do this by clicking 'Copy to Editable.' Note: if you load up the save you want to import in Inquisition first, it will appear in the 'Current Playthrough' slot in 'Playthrough States.'
When saving your world state to 'Editable States,' you can also rename the playthrough and add a description if you wish. This will help differentiate your playthrough from others in this section.
Once your state is in 'Editable States,' drag and drop it to the top slot and select 'Edit in Tapestry.' Or, click on the world state and press 'Load in the Keep.' After, you can go back to the tapestry and scroll to the right to see the DA:I portion.
Spoiler Gates
Depending on the playthrough you loaded, you may not see all the tiles in the DA:I tapestry at first. The spoiler gates are designed to remain in place until you complete a plot or quest. For example, if you romance a character, the romance tile will remain hidden until you finish the romance (at or near the end of the game).
If you just started a new game, only the Inquisitor's tile will be visible. Your DA:I tapestry will look like this:
As you progress through the game and complete more plots and quests, more tiles will become visible. If you're partway through a playthrough, your tapestry should look something like this:
Depending on the choices you made while playing Inquisition, each plot or quest may only have one tile visible (representing the choice you made), while the other tiles are hidden. You'll be able to see if a plot has other options, but you won't be able to see what those options are. You also can't click the context '?' button until you have completed all choices for a particular plot or quest.
It is possible to click on a tile for a plot you have yet to complete, but you'll only be able to see the number of choices that exist. The tiles will remain unreadable until you complete the plot in-game.
Spoiler Toggle
If you'd rather see all the tiles without the spoiler gates, you can do that now!
Click the globe icon in the upper right corner of the Keep. Then, go to the gear icon. You'll see a 'Show' or 'Hide' option for spoilers. Adjust at your own risk!
FAQs and Troubleshooting
I have a fully completed playthrough, but some of the tiles are still hidden. What can I do?
Please double check to ensure your PC or console is connected to the internet and logged in to the same EA (formerly Origin) account you're using for the Keep. Then, load up the last save made for this particular playthrough. You may have to wait some time, but it should appear in the 'Current Playthrough' slot in the 'Playthrough States' section. Once that's done, follow the steps above to get your playthrough into the tapestry.
How can I see all the tiles?
Toggle the spoiler settings to "Show" to view all the tiles in the Inquisition Tapestry
What if I haven't finished the plot/quest that's on the top level of the tapestry? Can I still see the other tiles in that section?
Yes. You can still click on a top-level tile if it's marked as 'Hidden.' This will take you to the second level of the tapestry, when you'll be able to see the plots or quests you completed that are part of that section in the Keep.
9 years ago
The Heroes section will show your default and custom heroes from Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age II, and Dragon Age: Inquisition. You can view these heroes by opening the Heroes menu in the upper left corner of the Keep.
Viewing Your Heroes
Managing Custom Heroes
Customizing Default Heroes
Customizing Custom Heroes
Viewing Your Heroes
Once in the Heroes section, you'll see tiles corresponding to each title in the Dragon Age series. To find your hero, select the game they come from.
Use the filters at the top of the screen (under the header bar) to view each hero by gender, race, class, or origin. You may also toggle between showing default or custom heroes using the check box.
Click on any hero's portrait to see a more detailed view of that character.
A red flag icon on a portrait indicates that hero is assigned to a world state. You can see which world state by clicking on the hero.
Managing Custom Heroes If you have unused custom heroes in any of the Dragon Age games, you can delete them using the Keep.
After selecting a game, uncheck the default heroes box at the top of the page to see the custom ones.
Click on the portrait of the hero you'd like to delete. A pop-up will appear giving the option to delete this hero.
Once a hero is deleted, there's no way to get them back.
Click yes to confirm deletion, and no to cancel.
Customizing Default Heroes
If you're having difficulty syncing custom heroes to the Keep, you can add your own personal touch to a default hero by editing their backstory, name, and thumbnail image.
Once in the Heroes section, select a game.
Please ensure you have checked the 'Default Heroes' box at the top of the screen to view default heroes.
Click on the portrait of the hero you'd like to customize.
To change a hero's name, click on the pencil icon next to their name.
Please make sure to click the check mark icon to save your hero's new name.
To change a hero's thumbnail image, click on the thumbnail. This will open a new pop-up.
You can now upload an image saved to your computer by clicking 'Upload Image.'
Once you're satisfied with the placement of the image, you can hitsave to keep your changes or reset back to the default thumbnail.
You can edit your hero's bio by clicking the pencil icon next to it.
Customize their story by adding their accomplishments, childhood story, or by recounting their heroic deeds. It can be as long or as short as you like! Don't forget to hit the check mark to save when you're finished.
Any saved changes you've made to your heroes will appear in the Keep.
Customizing Custom Heroes
To help make the Keep more of a reflection of your unique Dragon Age story, you can also edit your custom heroes.
Add a thumbnail that reflects the hero's in-game image.
Change their bio to reflect their actions in the game, or write your own headcanon. Don't forget to hit the check mark to save.
You can also edit their name (please note that this will not change their name in the game).
9 years ago
The Tapestry represents all the choices you've made in the Dragon Age series, from Origins to Inquisition. Using the Tapestry, you can customize up to 10 unique world states.
Browsing the Tapestry
Setting Choices in the Tapestry
Preserving Choices in the Tapestry
Sharing the Tapestry
Browsing the Tapestry Choices in the Tapestry are grouped by theme (eg. Companions) or by plot (eg. Nature of the Beast) per game. You may click on any tile to drill down into a selected theme or plot.
Use the back arrow in your browserto go back up a level, or;
Use the drop down menu to select either Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age II or Dragon Age: Inquisition.
Setting Choices in the Tapestry Decisions you make in the Tapestry will be exported into Dragon Age: Inquisition as part of your selected world state.
Click on any tile to drill down into a selected theme or plot.
Select a tile until it comes paired with a question. From there, you'll be given the option of deciding what decision was made at that specific plot point.
Customize as much or as little of the Tapestry as you like. The Keep will automatically adjust your world state accordingly using its auto-solveralgorithm. You will see the auto-solver pop-up if you make a choice that is in conflict with one (or more) choice you made previously.
Once you've made a decision, the name plate on the tile will turn white so you can keep track of the changes you've made.
Preserving Choices in the Tapestry The auto-solver will automatically resolve any plot inconsistencies in your world state by overwriting them with valid choices. This means that choices you've made previously may need to be change to ensure you always have a valid world state. There are two ways to resolve this:
View the Change List Summary
When the auto-solver must change a choice you previously set, a list of those impacts will be displayed in a pop-up. This contains a summary of all the changes the auto-solver must make to allow you to set a particular choice. It's up to you if you'd like to continue and make the highlighted changes, or choose a different decision.
Set Locks in the Tapestry
To ensure the auto-solver does not overwrite decisions that matter to you, click the lock icon under a choice to lock your decision. This means that you will occasionally need to solve conflicting choices manually.
Sharing the Tapestry To share the world state you currently have loaded in the Tapestry, click the globe icon located in the upper right corner of the header bar.
First, make sure the friend you wish to share your world state with is your friend in the Keep. To add friends, go to the tab with the person icon and type that friend's EA (Origin) username in the search field. It may take some time for them to appear in your friends list.
Then, go back to the first tab with the globe+pen icon and click the 'Share' button.
A pop-up will appear. Here, you can add or edit the world state's title and description, and select the friend you want to share it with.
Once shared, your friend will receive a notification and be able to add the shared world state into one of their available slots.
9 years ago
The Career section will keep a record of what you've done, what you own, and where you've been across the Dragon Age world by connecting and syncing with your EA (Origin) account. It will also record your accomplishments, rewards, and any progress through the DLC expansions associated with each game, along with a section for Dragon Age Keep achievements.
Using the Career Section
Troubleshooting Missing Items
Troubleshooting Missing Items by Platform
Keep Achievements
Using the Career Section
Open the section using the left-hand menu. You'll immediately be able to see your progress in accumulating items for each Dragon Age game, as well as the Keep.
Clicking on an individual tile will bring you to that particular section.
You can also view sections by game using the dropdown menu in the upper left corner.
To move between a game's sections, use the arrows on the right and left of the screen.
After drilling down into a section, you'll be able to see all items you have (and don't have) for that particular category.
By clicking on any item you can learn more about it, as well as how to find it in-game and/or unlock it (if necessary).
Troubleshooting Missing Items
If an item you own appears to be locked, such as a DLC or reward, you can unlock it manually.
Click on the achievement, reward, or DLC item you'd like to unlock.
Click on 'Request Unlock.'
Moments later, the item will become unlocked for you.
The item will then appear and remain as unlocked forever in the Keep.
Troubleshooting Missing Items by Platform
The Keep recognizes your items on a platform basis if multiple platforms are connected to your EA (Origin) account. You can see which platforms are connected to your account on the Account Check page, or by clicking the question mark in the item's pop up window.
Click on a different platform under 'Connected Platforms.' You can then begin the unlock process again.
Keep Achievements
These achievements are rewards for using and unlocking things within the Keep. They don't affect anything in-game.
They're just to add a bit of fun to your Keep experience! And yes, you can manually unlock them too.
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