Dragon Age Keep "Oops, an error occured..." Yet again
Dragon Age Keep have problems from time to time, usually for a couple of minutes at a time, but this time it has been having issues for two days on my end.
- I log into my EA account
- Dragon Age Keep loads for a bit...
- "Oops, an error occured, please refresh the page and retry."
I asked others if they were having the same problems, but the website works fine for them. I want to do another playthrough on Inquisition with my own world state.
Tried different browsers, different devices, even another internet connection. Same error again and again.
Was in contact with an EA advisor, but they could see no issues with my EA account. I asked if they could log into Dragon Age Keep on their end using my account, but they weren't allowed to do that apparently.
So how can I fix this?