6 years ago
Hair Mods Work in Cut Scenes but not Game
I've played 700+ hrs in this game with mods then my hard drive failed and I lost my cloud saves. So, I have started over. My problem is my hair mods work just fine in the cut scenes, but revert back to the look they would have if I did not use a mod. Does anyone have any clue as to why this would be? I saved the old mods in RAR form before the drive failed and it's those I'm using.
If it makes any difference, I'm using Win 7 SP1 Professional, AMD RX5800 graphics card, 32MB memory on the CPU and I have 1.8 T free on my hard drive.
Thanks for the helping.
- @kenanddebra I figured it out. I forgot to set the mesh setting to ultra. It works beautifully now. Maybe this will help someone else.