11 years ago
Patch for ps3/360?
Just woundering if last gen will get a patch to fix some of the bugs such as texture popin, hair and beards looking very dodgy and framerate (there may be more these are just ones ive seen. A lot ...
I have to agree great game so far, but all these graphics issues I am seeing on my xbox 360 are getting annoying and detracts from how big of an improvement this game is over Dragon Age 2. Anyone else getting a black screen when andvancing time in the tactical/strategic view? Happens to me every time I advance time for the first time when in that view for a given battle/fight.
Yep. I get a half second black screen everytime I forward the action in Tactical Screen. I thought it was part of how it was designed. Is it not?
I would think not, but i could be wrong since at least for me it only happens the first time. once it does that first time, it just jumps the time forward with no problems and showing every movement.
Same here, it does it once, then tactical flows as intented after.
I am having that issue as well. It is only a black screen for a few seconds going into the tactical screen. I am also having an audio issue when there is background noise. Like at the forge or in the inn, can't hearanything that the person is saying.
Yeah, the forge sound is really buggy on my side too.
I hope there a patch soon for PS3... texture pop in glitches, game freezing when game autosaves in places, Verics chest hair is better textured than his face lol and maybe MP fixes as in I find the MP to be clunkly in movment like the free motion that feels limited unlike SP it feels hard to control when moving around, oh and maybe to fix the load times they are way too long I know its a big game but dang 3 mins to load a SP char game and sometimes the game freezes on the black screen with flashing Logo on the bottom... oh forgot plz fix the dang PC voice to stay the same after meeting hawke for the 1st time...
I just want the freezing on the game to stop even treaded my game in and got a new one still a problem through.
Silverrouge, as many of us have found out, it's not our discs, it's the game. All we can do is wait in line for a patch at this point, or return the game if that is an option for you.