11 years ago
Patch for ps3/360?
Just woundering if last gen will get a patch to fix some of the bugs such as texture popin, hair and beards looking very dodgy and framerate (there may be more these are just ones ive seen. A lot ...
Hopefully they'll at the very least introduce a patch to fix the bugs/glitches.
Some of the rifts don't spawn enemies correctly and certain quests can't progress because something won't load. Sometimes you can't even start a quest because the initiator (ie quest giver) doesn't spawn.
Tomorrow i`ll do an updated list of glitches you guys have found, its gonna be a BIG LIST but it`ll help Bioware see whats wrong hopefully, thanks to everyone reporting in though!
@Cayleafgirl wrote:
A list would definitely help! Thanks!
Your welcome! They`ve gotta sort this ps4 got a day one patch, I dont see why other console versions that cost almost the same should nt be patch as well.