Forum Discussion
Did they bring out something just before the patch itself? Like many people my game was working fine then day before the patched was released I started having issues with crashing to desktop and the actual patch itself has made matters worse...
This is my first dragon age game I got it because it looked so great despite being apprehensive about purchasing anything affiliated with EA. I expect this game to be fixed and operational so I can continue to enjoy playing it but even then I wont be playing anymore games by Bioware and continue to avoid anything published by EA as best I can.
Also I would like to add that I think the developers sould be ashamed of themselves. Don't you take pride in your work?
- 11 years ago
Nice post, Axel.=) I feel the same way. I'm just so disappointed, DA:I has been all over the place from the moment it launched, and they patched it to a worse condition. I'm even considering asking for a refund.
- Anonymous11 years ago
I posted this somewhere else too, but before this patch I at least was able to play this game normally, despite low settings, enduring shiny hair and all that. (I'm a PC gamer).
After this patch I have (so far) come across these issues:
* I cannot summon my mount anymore, despite being out of combat and in an area where it should be summonable.
* The second I enter combat, ALL of my characters including my own seem to be running, but they aren't able to go anywhere. They stay in their spot while trying to go to the enemy they should kill. This means I can't run anywhere, not even to safety, or to come closer to put an AOE spell under their feet.
When the combat is over and my characters relax, I can run normally again with them all.
* The animals/critters in the game have the same issue as previously mentioned. They barely move forward while they appear to be running fast.
Sigh, Just hoping it will be fixed very quickly. It's not great to have a game you can't play normally while you could before, despite other issues.
- Anonymous11 years ago
@Axel2Shot wrote:Did they bring out something just before the patch itself? Like many people my game was working fine then day before the patched was released I started having issues with crashing to desktop and the actual patch itself has made matters worse...
This is my first dragon age game I got it because it looked so great despite being apprehensive about purchasing anything affiliated with EA. I expect this game to be fixed and operational so I can continue to enjoy playing it but even then I wont be playing anymore games by Bioware and continue to avoid anything published by EA as best I can.
Also I would like to add that I think the developers sould be ashamed of themselves. Don't you take pride in your work?
Bioware make excellent games; this is a fluke in terms of instability and resource hogging. But it is the most ambitious game I've ever seen.
- 11 years ago
Well, let's hope they fix this meager fluke that affects so many players games and makes the game pretty much unplayable for many. I can get over this patch 2- circus if they give us a hotfix ASAP. A hotfix that FIXES this game for good.
- Anonymous11 years ago
@Gerrod82 wrote:Well, let's hope they fix this meager fluke that affects so many players games and makes the game pretty much unplayable for many. I can get over this patch 2- circus if they give us a hotfix ASAP. A hotfix that FIXES this game for good.
I reckon they're working on it.
- Anonymous11 years ago
I appreciate what you're saying but this is my first experience with Bioware and I am sure I am not the only one as Im sure you know first impressions count. I suppose I should withhold judgement until they (or if they) fix this mess.
- 11 years ago
I personally never had a hitching or freezing issue before the patch, however since the patch I get the whole game freezing for several seconds too. Didn't really notice it on the menu at first, mostly in game when running around my Inquisitor would just freeze in place for a few seconds then started moving again, it was like the old gaming days when your game would stop because it was loading things without a loading screen, but this is just a freeze.
At first I thought it was just when running around but it also froze when I was working on an astrarium puzzle too, really hope this gets fixed, all Bioware currently seem to be talking about is the graphics issues, not the performance one.
- 11 years ago
I havent played this game since before the patch.
I really enjoyed the game, despite the frustrating bugs it has it was actually playable for me.
However juding from this thread, and other posts like it, I'm reluctant to try to play the game now, and think it might be better to wait for a while (6-12 months?) before I try playing it again.
Not that this comes as a surprise to me, EA dont exactly have a reputation for releasing games in anything more than a beta state at best.
- 11 years ago
I guess we'll just have to wait and see if this hotfix today helps us out at all, since we haven't received any official word from EA acknowledging the problem. If it doesn't well, I'll just give up because I can't play it at all as things stand.
- Anonymous11 years ago
Have you guys tried the Bioware shader fix, it has helped a few people with their crashes.
Right-click on DA:I in your Origin library, select game properties, and paste, -ShaderSystem.ShaderQualityLevel Medium ,into the command line box.
In the game video settings set 'Mesh Quality' to 'Medium' to match the shader level.
Bioware are working on a hotfix, when it is released you will need to remove the command line.
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