Forum Discussion
@Axel2Shot wrote:Did they bring out something just before the patch itself? Like many people my game was working fine then day before the patched was released I started having issues with crashing to desktop and the actual patch itself has made matters worse...
This is my first dragon age game I got it because it looked so great despite being apprehensive about purchasing anything affiliated with EA. I expect this game to be fixed and operational so I can continue to enjoy playing it but even then I wont be playing anymore games by Bioware and continue to avoid anything published by EA as best I can.
Also I would like to add that I think the developers sould be ashamed of themselves. Don't you take pride in your work?
Bioware make excellent games; this is a fluke in terms of instability and resource hogging. But it is the most ambitious game I've ever seen.
Well, let's hope they fix this meager fluke that affects so many players games and makes the game pretty much unplayable for many. I can get over this patch 2- circus if they give us a hotfix ASAP. A hotfix that FIXES this game for good.
- Anonymous11 years ago
@Gerrod82 wrote:Well, let's hope they fix this meager fluke that affects so many players games and makes the game pretty much unplayable for many. I can get over this patch 2- circus if they give us a hotfix ASAP. A hotfix that FIXES this game for good.
I reckon they're working on it.
- 11 years ago
Let's hope they are. I'm not keen on waiting another three or four weeks for the possible hotfix.
- 11 years ago
I'm going to throw my name in the hat of people experiencing worse performance after the patch.
This is absolutely unplayable in the state that it's currently in.
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