Forum Discussion

Anonymous's avatar
13 years ago


If you are experiencing issues with your DLC showing as unauthorized, or not showing at all, please first ensure that you are logged on to the account that you redeemed your DLC on. Also make sure that you have installed the latest patch: Patch 1.05.


If the issue persists, you will find below troubleshooting steps that have proven useful:


  • DLC Shows as Unauthorized in the Installed Content Tabclick here
  • DLC is not functionning Correctlyclick here
  • The Available Content Page is Blankclick here
  • Enable Updaterclick here
  • Disable Updaterclick here
  • Updating for Steam Customersclick here
  • Updating for Stardock Customersclick here
  • DAUpdaterSVC is Invalid Error : If you receive this error while performing any of the above, click here.


Update 6-05-2013


The Stone Prisoner is now available for free. 

To download and install it, go to the following page: 

  • Click on "Buy now" 
  • Click on the version of your choice for 0 BioWare points.
  • Read and accept the Digital Services Agreement and complete the purchase.


  • Anonymous's avatar
    13 years ago

    DLC Shows as Unauthorized in the Installed Content Tab

    Downloadable content for Dragon Age: Origins is associated with a BioWare/EA Online account. In order to use/play the content, you need to be logged in with the same account you used to purchase or redeem the content.

    If you see an (Unauthorized) message next to the check box(es) in the Installed Content tab, please log in with the same account that was originally authorized to play the content. See the screenshot below for more information about where this error is indicated.

    If you know you are logging in under the correct account your next step should be to go to this website and download the 1.05 patch for Dragon Age: Origins -

    If you are still experiencing difficulties after downloading the patch, please try following the steps listed below. Be sure to follow these instructions exactly.

    1. Open a Run box. (Either from the Windows Start Menu or by holding down the Windows Start key on your keyboard and pressing the letter 'R'.)
    2. Enter "services.msc" and click OK.
    3. Locate the service "Dragon Age: Origins - Content Updater."
    4. Right-click on the service and ensure that it is set to "automatic". (Setting the service to "manual" will start the service when the game starts, but, due to a timing issue with both the service and game launching simultaneously, may not update your content authorizations properly.)
    5. If you had to set the service to automatic from another setting, re-start your PC. After doing so, re-open "services.msc" as in steps 1 and 2, and ensure that the DAUpdater service is started.

    If your content still appears as unauthorized, exit out of the game and completely disable or exit out of any security software you have running. If your content appears as authorized, you may have to disable your security software or add an entry for Dragon Age Origins into its exception list. For more assistance in this regard, consult the software vendor.
    If your issue persists, try the following:

    1. Close out of the game.
    2. Bring up the run box by pressing Windows Key + R on your keyboard.
    3. Type in "cmd" and press Enter. This should open the Command Prompt.
    4. In the Command Prompt, type in "net start DAUpdaterSvc" and press Enter. 

    You should receive a message that the Updater has been started successfully.
    If the problem still persists you may want to try the following;

    1. Shut down Dragon Age: Origins.
    2. From the Windows desktop, click the Start button, and then select Run.
    3. At the command prompt, type "net stop DAUpdaterSvc" and click OK.
    4. Navigate to My Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\Settings and delete the filesManifest.xmlOffers.xml, and addins.xml
    5. Navigate to My Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age and delete the Offers folder.
    6. Go to C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\BioWare\Dragon Age\ and delete the DAUpdater folder (where C: is the default directory).
    7. Navigate back to My Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age and delete the folder calledAddIns.
    8. Return to the command prompt (click Start, then Run) and type "net start DAUpdaterSvc" before clicking OK.
    9. Restart Dragon Age: Origins and log in.
  • Anonymous's avatar
    13 years ago

    We have received a variety of reports about DLC not functioning properly for some users. Many of these issues seem to be impacting users that do not have a CD key installed in their registry.

    Symptoms of this issue that users have reported experiencing include:

    • When speaking to Shale the conversation will be reset to the first time you speak to her, with only two dialogue options. The player will also be placed in a "bad" location on the map.
    • Various DLC items removed from in-game inventory. This includes Blood Dragon Armor, Warden's Commander Armor, etc.
    • An inability to access Warden's Keep, Honnleath, or the storage chest at Warden's Keep

    We have discovered a new solution to this issue that you should attempt first:

    • Go in to your Dragon Age folder at C:/program files/origingames/dragonage and look for the _installer folder, then click on the DAOU_UpdateAddinsXML.exe file
    • then DAUServiceSetup.exe 
    In nearly all cases, this will fix the issue. In case this does not work, proceed to the following troubleshooting directions:

    We recommend checking to make sure your CD key is installed in your registry and logging into the server at least once before continuing to play if you experience any of these issues.

    If you are unsure whether you have a CD key installed:

    • Run the daoriginsconfig.exe application
      • This should be found in the bin_ship folder in the directory you installed Dragon Age to.
    • Click Game on the bar on the left side of the application window.
    • You should see a box near the bottom of the application window called Product Keys.
    • If you have a CD key installed, it will be listed in that window. If not, please install your CD key.

    To reinstall your CD key:

    • Navigate to the data directory on your installation CD.
    • Run DragonAge_code.exe
    • A prompt will now appear allowing you to re-enter your CD key.

    Please note that if you have saved your game while experiencing any of the symptoms, installing your CD key and logging into the server may not restore functionality to that save. You may need to reload from a previous save game that has not exhibited any of the symptoms.

  • Anonymous's avatar
    13 years ago

    The Available Content Page is Blank- Enable/Disable Updater

    If your downloadable content page is blank, like the screen shot above, then the Dragon Age Update service is not running. This service is used to check for game and content updates and to manage those downloads.

  • Anonymous's avatar
    13 years ago

    Enable Updater

    If your Dragon Age Updater is not starting when your system starts, you may need to change the service settings to enable it. To ENABLE the Dragon Age Updater:


    1. Run “services.msc” from the Run menu option in Windows. Pressing the Windows key + R will bring up your Run menu. Simply type "services.msc" into the window and click OK. (NOTE: Services.msc” controls essential components of Windows. Errors in configuration can prevent the system from operating correctly. Any changes you make in services.msc are made at your own risk.)
    2. Find the Dragon Age: Origins Updater service in the list.
    3. Double-click on the service to bring up the properties.
    4. Press the Start button if the service is not currently running.
    5. Change Startup type to Automatic.
    6. Close the Properties and Services interface.
  • Anonymous's avatar
    13 years ago

    Disable Updater

    If you would like to DISABLE the Dragon Age Updater service:

    1. Run services.msc from the Run menu option in Windows. Pressing the Windows key + R will bring up your Run menu. Simply type "services.msc" into the window and clickOKNOTE: Services.msc controls essential components of Windows. Errors in configuration can prevent the system from operating correctly. Any changes you make in services.msc are made at your own risk.
    2. Find the Dragon Age: Origins Updater service in the list.
    3. Double-click on the service to bring up the properties.
    4. Press the Stop button if the service is currently running.
    5. Change Startup type to Disabled.
    6. Close the Properties and Services interface.

    If you do not see the service in the list, then it may not have installed when the game installed.

  • Anonymous's avatar
    13 years ago

    Updating for Steam Customers

    If you are a Steam customer, you should be able to run the updater manually by going under C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Dragon age origins\bin_ship\DAUpdaterSvc.Service.exe

  • Anonymous's avatar
    13 years ago

    Updating for Stardock Customers

    Stardock customers, please download the following file and add it to our Dragon Age\bin_ship folder.

    Once you have saved this file to the folder, run the file. This will attempt to install the updater service.

  • Anonymous's avatar
    13 years ago

    DAUpdaterSVC is Invalid Error

    If you get an error message stating that DAUpdaterSVC is invalid when trying to launch it through command prompt, then please go through these steps.

    1. Navigate to C:\\Windows\\Microsoft.NET\\Framework and make sure there is a folder in there that is named "v2.0.50727
    2. Navigate with the customer and find the file "DAUpdaterSvc.Service.exe". It should be located at one of these:
    • C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Dragon Age Origins Ultimate Edition\\bin_ship\\DAUpdaterSvc.Service.exe (For Disc Versions)
    • C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Origin Games\\Dragon Age Origins Ultimate Edition\\bin_Ship\\DAUpdaterSVC.Service.exe (For Origin Versions)
    • C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Steam\\steamapps\\common\\Dragon Age\\DAUpdaterSVC.Service.exe (For Steam Versions)

    Remember where the location of this file was. You may wish to copy this in to Word or Notepad.

    1. Press the Windows key + R (or click Start and then RUN).
    2. Type in “cmd” and then hold Control and Shift and press enter, to run escalated command prompt.
    3. Type in "cd.." and have the customer read back what the command prompt line says, if it is anything other than just "C:\\", repeat this step until the command prompt line says only "C:\\"
    4. Have the customer enter in the following lines, one at a time:
    • cd Windows (Press Enter)
    • cd Microsoft.NET (Press Enter)
    • cd Framework (Press Enter)
    • cd v2.0.50727 (Press Enter)
    1. Then, have the customer enter in the following line, but substitute the file location in the quotations with where you found the DAUpdaterSvc.Service.exe file on the customer's computer. It should be one of the following. If it was in a different location, use the location path that you found earlier in Step 2.
    • For Disc Versions: Installutil “C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Dragon Age Origins Ultimate Edition\\bin_ship\\DAUpdaterSvc.Service.exe”
    • For Origin Versions: Installutil “C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Origin Games\\Dragon Age Origins Ultimate Edition\\bin_Ship\\DAUpdaterSVC.Service.exe”
    • For Steam Versions: Installutil “C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Steam\\steamapps\\common\\Dragon Age\\DAUpdaterSVC.Service.exe”

    NOTE: Make sure the file name has the quotation marks around it, and then press Enter.

    1. Then type in "net start DAUpdaterSvc" and press enter and it should tell you the updater is now running.
    2. Have customer launch the game and it will install the Content to the game and give them full access to it.

9 Replies

  • Anonymous's avatar
    13 years ago

    DLC Shows as Unauthorized in the Installed Content Tab

    Downloadable content for Dragon Age: Origins is associated with a BioWare/EA Online account. In order to use/play the content, you need to be logged in with the same account you used to purchase or redeem the content.

    If you see an (Unauthorized) message next to the check box(es) in the Installed Content tab, please log in with the same account that was originally authorized to play the content. See the screenshot below for more information about where this error is indicated.

    If you know you are logging in under the correct account your next step should be to go to this website and download the 1.05 patch for Dragon Age: Origins -

    If you are still experiencing difficulties after downloading the patch, please try following the steps listed below. Be sure to follow these instructions exactly.

    1. Open a Run box. (Either from the Windows Start Menu or by holding down the Windows Start key on your keyboard and pressing the letter 'R'.)
    2. Enter "services.msc" and click OK.
    3. Locate the service "Dragon Age: Origins - Content Updater."
    4. Right-click on the service and ensure that it is set to "automatic". (Setting the service to "manual" will start the service when the game starts, but, due to a timing issue with both the service and game launching simultaneously, may not update your content authorizations properly.)
    5. If you had to set the service to automatic from another setting, re-start your PC. After doing so, re-open "services.msc" as in steps 1 and 2, and ensure that the DAUpdater service is started.

    If your content still appears as unauthorized, exit out of the game and completely disable or exit out of any security software you have running. If your content appears as authorized, you may have to disable your security software or add an entry for Dragon Age Origins into its exception list. For more assistance in this regard, consult the software vendor.
    If your issue persists, try the following:

    1. Close out of the game.
    2. Bring up the run box by pressing Windows Key + R on your keyboard.
    3. Type in "cmd" and press Enter. This should open the Command Prompt.
    4. In the Command Prompt, type in "net start DAUpdaterSvc" and press Enter. 

    You should receive a message that the Updater has been started successfully.
    If the problem still persists you may want to try the following;

    1. Shut down Dragon Age: Origins.
    2. From the Windows desktop, click the Start button, and then select Run.
    3. At the command prompt, type "net stop DAUpdaterSvc" and click OK.
    4. Navigate to My Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\Settings and delete the filesManifest.xmlOffers.xml, and addins.xml
    5. Navigate to My Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age and delete the Offers folder.
    6. Go to C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\BioWare\Dragon Age\ and delete the DAUpdater folder (where C: is the default directory).
    7. Navigate back to My Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age and delete the folder calledAddIns.
    8. Return to the command prompt (click Start, then Run) and type "net start DAUpdaterSvc" before clicking OK.
    9. Restart Dragon Age: Origins and log in.
  • Anonymous's avatar
    13 years ago

    We have received a variety of reports about DLC not functioning properly for some users. Many of these issues seem to be impacting users that do not have a CD key installed in their registry.

    Symptoms of this issue that users have reported experiencing include:

    • When speaking to Shale the conversation will be reset to the first time you speak to her, with only two dialogue options. The player will also be placed in a "bad" location on the map.
    • Various DLC items removed from in-game inventory. This includes Blood Dragon Armor, Warden's Commander Armor, etc.
    • An inability to access Warden's Keep, Honnleath, or the storage chest at Warden's Keep

    We have discovered a new solution to this issue that you should attempt first:

    • Go in to your Dragon Age folder at C:/program files/origingames/dragonage and look for the _installer folder, then click on the DAOU_UpdateAddinsXML.exe file
    • then DAUServiceSetup.exe 
    In nearly all cases, this will fix the issue. In case this does not work, proceed to the following troubleshooting directions:

    We recommend checking to make sure your CD key is installed in your registry and logging into the server at least once before continuing to play if you experience any of these issues.

    If you are unsure whether you have a CD key installed:

    • Run the daoriginsconfig.exe application
      • This should be found in the bin_ship folder in the directory you installed Dragon Age to.
    • Click Game on the bar on the left side of the application window.
    • You should see a box near the bottom of the application window called Product Keys.
    • If you have a CD key installed, it will be listed in that window. If not, please install your CD key.

    To reinstall your CD key:

    • Navigate to the data directory on your installation CD.
    • Run DragonAge_code.exe
    • A prompt will now appear allowing you to re-enter your CD key.

    Please note that if you have saved your game while experiencing any of the symptoms, installing your CD key and logging into the server may not restore functionality to that save. You may need to reload from a previous save game that has not exhibited any of the symptoms.

  • Anonymous's avatar
    13 years ago

    The Available Content Page is Blank- Enable/Disable Updater

    If your downloadable content page is blank, like the screen shot above, then the Dragon Age Update service is not running. This service is used to check for game and content updates and to manage those downloads.

  • Anonymous's avatar
    13 years ago

    Enable Updater

    If your Dragon Age Updater is not starting when your system starts, you may need to change the service settings to enable it. To ENABLE the Dragon Age Updater:


    1. Run “services.msc” from the Run menu option in Windows. Pressing the Windows key + R will bring up your Run menu. Simply type "services.msc" into the window and click OK. (NOTE: Services.msc” controls essential components of Windows. Errors in configuration can prevent the system from operating correctly. Any changes you make in services.msc are made at your own risk.)
    2. Find the Dragon Age: Origins Updater service in the list.
    3. Double-click on the service to bring up the properties.
    4. Press the Start button if the service is not currently running.
    5. Change Startup type to Automatic.
    6. Close the Properties and Services interface.
  • Anonymous's avatar
    13 years ago

    Disable Updater

    If you would like to DISABLE the Dragon Age Updater service:

    1. Run services.msc from the Run menu option in Windows. Pressing the Windows key + R will bring up your Run menu. Simply type "services.msc" into the window and clickOKNOTE: Services.msc controls essential components of Windows. Errors in configuration can prevent the system from operating correctly. Any changes you make in services.msc are made at your own risk.
    2. Find the Dragon Age: Origins Updater service in the list.
    3. Double-click on the service to bring up the properties.
    4. Press the Stop button if the service is currently running.
    5. Change Startup type to Disabled.
    6. Close the Properties and Services interface.

    If you do not see the service in the list, then it may not have installed when the game installed.

  • Anonymous's avatar
    13 years ago

    Updating for Steam Customers

    If you are a Steam customer, you should be able to run the updater manually by going under C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Dragon age origins\bin_ship\DAUpdaterSvc.Service.exe

  • Anonymous's avatar
    13 years ago

    Updating for Stardock Customers

    Stardock customers, please download the following file and add it to our Dragon Age\bin_ship folder.

    Once you have saved this file to the folder, run the file. This will attempt to install the updater service.

  • Anonymous's avatar
    13 years ago

    DAUpdaterSVC is Invalid Error

    If you get an error message stating that DAUpdaterSVC is invalid when trying to launch it through command prompt, then please go through these steps.

    1. Navigate to C:\\Windows\\Microsoft.NET\\Framework and make sure there is a folder in there that is named "v2.0.50727
    2. Navigate with the customer and find the file "DAUpdaterSvc.Service.exe". It should be located at one of these:
    • C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Dragon Age Origins Ultimate Edition\\bin_ship\\DAUpdaterSvc.Service.exe (For Disc Versions)
    • C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Origin Games\\Dragon Age Origins Ultimate Edition\\bin_Ship\\DAUpdaterSVC.Service.exe (For Origin Versions)
    • C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Steam\\steamapps\\common\\Dragon Age\\DAUpdaterSVC.Service.exe (For Steam Versions)

    Remember where the location of this file was. You may wish to copy this in to Word or Notepad.

    1. Press the Windows key + R (or click Start and then RUN).
    2. Type in “cmd” and then hold Control and Shift and press enter, to run escalated command prompt.
    3. Type in "cd.." and have the customer read back what the command prompt line says, if it is anything other than just "C:\\", repeat this step until the command prompt line says only "C:\\"
    4. Have the customer enter in the following lines, one at a time:
    • cd Windows (Press Enter)
    • cd Microsoft.NET (Press Enter)
    • cd Framework (Press Enter)
    • cd v2.0.50727 (Press Enter)
    1. Then, have the customer enter in the following line, but substitute the file location in the quotations with where you found the DAUpdaterSvc.Service.exe file on the customer's computer. It should be one of the following. If it was in a different location, use the location path that you found earlier in Step 2.
    • For Disc Versions: Installutil “C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Dragon Age Origins Ultimate Edition\\bin_ship\\DAUpdaterSvc.Service.exe”
    • For Origin Versions: Installutil “C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Origin Games\\Dragon Age Origins Ultimate Edition\\bin_Ship\\DAUpdaterSVC.Service.exe”
    • For Steam Versions: Installutil “C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Steam\\steamapps\\common\\Dragon Age\\DAUpdaterSVC.Service.exe”

    NOTE: Make sure the file name has the quotation marks around it, and then press Enter.

    1. Then type in "net start DAUpdaterSvc" and press enter and it should tell you the updater is now running.
    2. Have customer launch the game and it will install the Content to the game and give them full access to it.
  • EA_Shepard's avatar
    Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager
    2 years ago

    Hey Everyone,

    Doing some board cleanup over the next few days. The majority of the info here is outdated and no longer applies to launchers, content etc. 

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