Forum Discussion
Just bumping this to ask if there has been any news whatsoever about the possibility of a romance patch? The romance is literally the only thing that I find unsatisfactory about Veilguard, having gotten used to really great romances in the previous DA games.
- WyllRavengard3 months agoRising Adventurer
I agree with you 100%. I'm good with everything else in the game, except the romances are terrible. Some are okay to a point, but they are all lacking immensely!
- Warfrost423 months agoNew Adventurer
They've been pretty clear that there will be no dlc, and they haven't said a thing about any kind of content patch. Honestly, the more I play the more frustrated I get because I can see all the places where it feels like they just...stopped working on things. Not being able to have extended conversations with companions or even respond to them in the Lighthouse makes Rook feel completely disconnected and it is very un-immersive. This is the first time I've ever felt played a DA game where I felt the protag was alienated from their own companions.
I really think they GoT Season 8'd Dragon Age fans...they decided they'd rather work on Mass Effect 4 so they just didn't give us proper companion interactions, relationships, romances or even the end of the game. It just ends and that's it. To me it shows that they don't care about us. I don't give a single **bleep** about Mass Effect...I hope ME gets the same treatment that DA got.- WyllRavengard3 months agoRising Adventurer
Agreed. Bioaware cares little for the fans.
Yes that was a similar line to one Solas says early in the game.
And BioWare needs to remember another line they write on the game ...
A good leader isn't someone who never makes a mistake, but someone who admits when they make one!
The biggest thing I believe BioWare needs to keep in mind in that the sales for this game have been disappointing - for good reason - and even though they want to put all efforts on ME5 now, this doesn't leave anything in the minds of buyers and fans to trust they will even do ME5 right!
So I'm not buying it when it is released.
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