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[Feedback] Bioware missed a story opportunity (some spoilers)
My first and second playthrus done I wondered what it would be like to be a mourn watch mage meeting Lucanis for the first time. I am disappointed 😞. The whole time I felt like my Rook was the dumbest mage especially one who deals with spirits for a living. The dialogue acted like they had no idea what was going on and things Bellara were saying were things my rook should have said. But the biggest let down was when my mage couldn't see or hear Spite. Mourn watch mages should be trained to do so but nope dialogue was same as it was for other playthrus as a rogue crow and mage lord of fortune. This is the missed story opportunity. How great would it have been to be able to talk to Spite like Emmerich can? At the very least they could have added dialogue specifically for a mourn watch player.AvaIyon20 hours agoSeasoned Rookie252Views10likes6CommentsFeedback: Companion pairings ruining my drive to play again.
I feel absolutely insane, but I can’t do it. I genuinely despise the background pairing system and it’s making it impossible for me to play a new run. I want to try for a different ending and a better romance, but I’m preemptively annoyed and can’t. I made a new character and can’t get more than 10 minutes past the title card. Lucanis was my first run’s romance, and it was disappointing. So disappointing that I dread seeing Lucanis and Neve at the Lighthouse, or taking them out in a pair, knowing I’ll have to hear their relationship organically develop in a way that Rook isn’t capable of doing. I don’t want to see Lucanis doing more for and talking about his relationship with Neve more, and all with an initiative/openness that he never had with Rook. I hate knowing that when I lock in my romance with Emmerich, I’ll be subjected to watching Rook’s commitment scene with Lucanis play out, but for Neve instead, as if Rook/Neve are entirely interchangeable. It’s so immersion-breaking I want to physically cringe. Add in the flirt lines they’re both given in Lucanis’ quests, along with the “no time for romance with you” warning, and I’m struggling to give this new run a chance. I don’t know if anything can be done about it, but I’ve heard similar complaints about Taash/Harding’s banter making players feel bitter about the relationship building they’re allowed that Rook isn’t. It seems like such a small issue, I know, but it’s literally the only thing stopping me from playing again. Can we get clarification on if there’s a way to prevent it besides just…ignoring the big exclamation point? Does that even work? Has anyone successfully had an intended pairing remain platonic through a run, or do they always hook up if you talk to them?DexiDerp5 days agoSeasoned Vanguard482Views8likes7CommentsPC Xbox Cloud Gaming
Hi! Two months ago, in a post titled "Xbox to PC save game transfer," EA Shepard responded by saying that you can launch DAV from the Xbox PC app in cloud gaming mode (which allows you to play with your Xbox save on PC). However, DAV is not available on Xbox cloud gaming... Did I miss something? Thanks!Kalwisha5 days agoRising Newcomer11Views0likes0CommentsEA App- Steam (PC)
If i played the Trial version of dragon age (attempted to download from xbox pc app but then took me to the PC EA app) and progressed in the game (EA App) and my Trial ends. Would my progression continue where i left off it i fully purchase the game on Steam? or do i have to start over? im assuming Steam would just open the EA app? or maybe that's just the Xbox App that does that. not sure. does anyone know? cause i want to buy the game on steam but obviously if i cant continue where i left off i probably wont buy it on steam and just buy it on the EA app thank you10Views0likes0Comments[Discussion] Venatori camps in Arlathan Forest
After the Unwanted Guest and Blood of Arlathan Quest so have I found camps of Venatori across the forest Defeating them give exp and loot but nothing else Are they supposed to give Veil Jumper Faction strength too after defeating them or do they only give exp and loot? This is on PS5 with Patch 1.000.004122Views0likes1CommentTranslation of Abilities to PT-BR Contains Errors
There are some issues with the translation to Portuguese in the "skill tree." A significant one is the translation of "strike." Some strike abilities are translated as "ataque", while others are translated as "golpe." Technically, both terms are correct, but this inconsistency can create confusion. When reading the skills, it seems like they refer to different types of abilities. For instance, if you choose a skill that enhances "ataque" abilities, you might think it doesn't enhance "golpe" abilities, even though both are classified as "strike" abilities in English. Please address this inconsistency.andregusela6 days agoRising Newcomer17Views0likes1CommentErrors Loading
Ive contacted EA support, I've changed graphics and my cpu data and everything i can. even reinstalled fully. I can't load a save if I exit the game and reenter. my characters are completely inaccessible unless I let the game fully hijack my pc and keep it open and on all for all hours of the day- which isn't possible. i get the notification after like 3 mins of loading that there is an error loading or processing this request or something like that. please help.37Views0likes1CommentStuck Heart of corruption.
Stuck Heart of corruption. Journal says I finished the three quests. But one to go on the locked 3 doors. Seems I missed picking up the essence on one of them. Have the red and green one, the one the right is missing. Which boss is that one on the right? Please?bbb123ddddd6 days agoNewcomer21Views0likes1Comment[Feedback] Rook customisation and Mods
I genuinely love the game. I'm on something like my 5th play through. That being said with the changes happening in the company I imagine that giving things like a golden hug or new game plus might not be on the priority list. Honestly I would like to see mod support for both PC and console players. It would alow for the gamers to get the little tweaks we have been asking about such as cosmetics like a npc outfit that's not something the play can unlock or alternative colours for clothing and so on. And once live would take pressure off you guys to provide the quality of life bits that give your gamers a more impressive experience but you just don't have the resources to provid. Like I say I love the game, I've loved all of the DA and ME games todate. I would just love to beable to give my rook a little more me. Like pricing, black/grey clothes and painted nails or a dress like maevaris tilani.Ruthkfg8 days agoSeasoned Rookie27Views0likes1Comment[Feedback] Female Rook More Female
Why does female characters always use almost the same animations as their male counterparts? It doesn't matter if its Mass Effect or Dragon Age... Bioware already has female animations, attitude and clothing implemented into the game, just look at Neve Gallus. It would be a nice to, when you play as a female Rook, that you really can have a female character if you want to.... Maybe there's a chance to add a additional option or slider in the character creation menu for something like this?xBlackhawk24x9 days agoNew Rookie86Views5likes2CommentsBow of The Fallen Kingdom Disappeared After Patch 5 Update
I updated Veilguard on PS5 this morning and when I loaded one of my games I noticed one of my deluxe cosmetic items disappeared for my rouge. The weapon that disappeared was the Bow of the Fallen Kingdom. I checked my warrior and mage to see if the same thing happened and as far as I can tell the only other item missing was the Staff of the Fallen Kingdom. Has this happened to anyone else?KingTemeluchus15 days agoRising Novice115Views0likes6Comments[Feedback] A plead to Bioware
So this post is maybe more of a run down about the lack of character depth, but I maintain a sliver of hope that if enough people who love the DA franchise try to get through to Bioware (and EA), maybe something could change in the future. Points: Some of the companion’s idle positions, as well as general poses, look very janky, unnatural and limited. Would it be feasible to make these more fluid and natural? E.g. Neve’s handclasp poses are very reminiscent of Leliana’s in DA:O - which is to say, given the years of difference between these games, the animations should be better. Once again using Neve as an example, she seems to be limited to 2-3 poses to alternate between. I’m pulling Neve as an example as she seemingly doesn't have a natural, relaxed pose. This kinda goes for all companions, though. Rook’s idle animation is too goofy. If you are standing and have an interaction with an NPC (not in a cinematic), some of the grimaces are not appropriate for many of the situations you’re in, and they’re immersion breaking at worst. So maybe extend the timer for when the idle poses begin, or tone it down. Regarding the personality of Rook: In previous games, you could shape the personality of your character. In my opinion this is a key element in a player-created character RPG. A prime example is DA:2 where you could choose between three personality types, which then seemed to be applied to the general demeanour of your Hawke. This was a brilliant feature! Even DA:I, had a more consistent correspondence with the type of dialogue choice made and the voice acting. In Veilguard it seems like no matter the choice of answer type, you inherently get a humorous, quippy Rook. This is unfortunate for players who would like a serious Rook, a naive Rook, morally ambiguous Rook etc.. It is immersion breaking, which is very unfortunate for an RPG, but also limits the replayability of the game, as you won’t really get to play a different type of main character. The limited companion interaction is also a very unfortunate decision. One of the main driving forces for these games has always been the ability to get to know your companions and get to interact with them outside of quests. I see next to no reason in creating the space for the Lighthouse (the camp) if your character can’t idle chat with their companions and further create a narrative of this being a bunch of people working together and forming bonds. The interactions between the companions amongst themselves is a very nice addition, yet it becomes rather hollow when it feels like you, as the main character, can’t join in or just start a conversation with them on your own. In terms of interaction, it would in particular have been nice to have more content in terms of romancing a companion. It seems like the romances amongst companions themselves have more depth than the one you participate in as a main character - this just sucks. Even just an idle acknowledgement when you approach a love interest in the early stages would elevate the experience immensely. As of now, it feels shallow and not very special, as the extra scenes they unlock are few and far between, and even then it depends on which companion you decide to romance. When playing a game that is supposed to be immersive and approx. 100 hours long, the small crumbs consisting of maybe two or three romance-related scenes, is simply unsatisfying. The amount of content also varies greatly depending on the chosen companion, making you as the player feel somewhat bitter that your favourite companion’s romance storyline feels shorter compared to others. Regarding companion personalities and backgrounds, the lack of getting to know your companions is very unfortunate. As of now, you can do their personal quests, which are more or less required to have a chance in the finale of the game, though it unfortunately just feels very forced. If you have invested time and effort into having a bond lvl 10 with your favourite companion, it doesn't feel like you get any rewards for this. It honestly feels like a waste, as the setup for the characters' personalities has potential. The most fleshed-out character from my experience is Taash’s journey to find out who they are. It was a great and well-thought-of storyline, and it gave you the feeling that you got to be a part of it because you invested time and got to know them well. In contrast, there are two lines about how Neve lost her leg, which she is way too nonchalant about considering how the story seems to be set up. Lucanis’ personality is lackluster at best, Harding is both different from her character in Inqusition and otherwise basic, Bellara has been written as your typical quirky girl, Davrin is just a gym bro with a delinquent-esque background. Emmrich is a delight, and is a close second in terms of a character with multiple layers. Each of the companions Hero of the Veilguard quests are seemingly supposed to be the equivalent to renegade/ paragon or Hardened/soft (I'll get back to this), but it just feels very forced and not really that important other than what gear and skill you get out of it. The big bad dilemma gets solved and now the companion is "fixed" and that was that. The buildup is rushed or lackluster, and the aftermath is anticlimactic at best. In terms of hardened characters, it gives off the impression that the game development team, just in the knick of time, remembered is an integral feature in the other games in regards to how your main character interacts with their companions. Which, I guess, might be a deliberate decision, since you can't interact with your companions other than the scripted scenes. So to sum up, the animations could be more varied and fluid, the game suffers from a severe lack of personality depth (both in companions but also for the player’s Rook), and there is an unfortunate lack of ability to interact with your companions. My greatest hope would be that Bioware pulls a Larian Studios, and keeps polishing the game. However, Bioware are more likely going to ignore any input regarding the content and probably wont do any improvement other than game breaking bugs. Still I hope that posts like this might spur them on to improve a game that I genuinely do love - I just wish the game received the same love from the dev team.162Views4likes2Comments[Feedback] No Separate Aiming Inversion
Hello, this is about a basic accessibility setting that the game lacks. The game doesn't have separate inversion for the aiming, there's only two settings called simply "Invert Y-Axis" and "Invert X-Axis". I play with inverted camera and non-inverted aim and therefore need separate inversion for the aiming. The normal camera inversion also can't affect anything else, such as map scroll or target switching. You can read about the issue here. There is separate sensitivity for the aiming, but not inversion. So you should add two more settings and rename the ones you have so that you have "Invert Camera Y-Axis", "Invert Camera X-Axis", "Invert Aiming Y-Axis" and "Invert Aiming X-Axis". This should be available for both mouse and controller. Again, make sure that normal camera inversion does not affect anything else. See these images from Dragon's Dogma II, Rise of the Ronin, The Last of Us Part II and the just released Horizon Zero Dawn Remastered as examples of what I mean.LAN08615 days agoRising Novice375Views1like6CommentsGame was wonderful, I'd love a New Game plus!
I really enjoyed the story and gameplay, a lot more than I was expecting. I'm just a trophy or two away from the platinum at this point. I was playing on underdog difficulty and really spent a long time optimising my build and equipment. I would absolutely love to replay this game, in a more streamlined fashion, if I was able to carry my hero forward into a New Game plus. Is there even a glimmer of hope for this?AuramiteX15 days agoSeasoned Veteran63Views3likes1CommentPoison Mushrooms moved in Arlathan Forest?
Don’t know if this is an issue/bug/glitch, but it looks like the poisonous mushrooms that deals necrotic damage have moved? They used to be by the Aravel, within the poison cloud, but have now moved, so they are kind of in the water a little bit away from the Aravel, they moved more to the left of it. They still work when I move into or hit them, so they still do what they do, just don’t know if this is supposed to happen later in the game or not? This is on PS5, with Patch 1.000.003(currently on Patch 1.000.004, still have this issue)26Views0likes1Comment[Feedback] Edit the appearance of the Inquisitor after locking in
I speed past the customisation of rook and went straight into the game without realizing the Inquisitor would make an appearance and could be edited in the customisation screen. I don't need to edit the story, just the way they look. I also wish to save appearances so I could start a new playthrough and save my rook or Inquisitors looks. That's all I ask to be able to use the mirror on the Inquisitor at least once75Views2likes1Comment[Feedback] Crystallise Rune
Hi Developers, Can you please make the crystallise rune available in the wisp (previously sold in the Minrathous guild shop)? It's bugging me so much I can't buy this item anymore after an unexpected cutoff. Thanks.Elysium202415 days agoRising Newcomer43Views1like1Comment[Feedback] PS5 Pro version needs improvements
I already saw another post for a requesting new graphic mode for PS5 Pro (balanced mode 60fps). But about PSSR, I think it is much better than FSR to be honest but the shimmering issues really easy to see so I hope develop team can take a time to have a quick look and fix this issue because recently, (sorry to mention other game) Star Wars Jedi Suvivor fixed the shimmering issue with latest PSSR. So I hope that developers can fix this issue and hopefully they can spend time to make Balanced mode 40fps for TV support 120HZ VRR like Horizon franchise and Spider-Man ps5 had.namitokiwa15 days agoNew Novice51Views0likes1Comment[PC] Game Hard Crashes After 15-20 Minutes
Like the title says, Veilguard keeps hard crashing my pc, forcing me to manually shutdown and reboot my computer. I have tried disabling overclocking, updating drivers, deleting game files, and altering game settings. After three separate attempts to fix the error in EA help chat, I was directed here. I can’t even refund the game on steam because I’ve spent so much time trying to fix it.Keith-hates-tax15 days agoSeasoned Novice279Views0likes22Comments