Forum Discussion
I've lurked on this thread a while, so might as well also voice my opinion right?
It honestly sucks, that they have yet to really adress this (beyond the ingame notification)
When I first realized that Lucanis' Quest disappears after I saved Minrathous I pretty much replayed the whole game for him. (Why can quests like that even vanish without any warning? Thats honestly pretty stupid... I just wanted to get all the companions before doing side quests yk?) After his first quest and flirt option I... fell pretty hard. Hence why I'm so stubborn to actually get some answers.
It's been 10 years since the last Dragon Age Game, this is my first time in 10 years that I can play a Dragon Age truly blind, not really knowing anything about the decisions we get to make and the consequences they bring. I don't really want to change my decision, I decided for it fully intending to see it through, while also playing a Shadow Dragon Rook!!!
So reading that he has "no time for romance" struck me as really odd. Even before I reloaded he didn't seem really mad at Rook, talking about the impossible choice I had and all and even the other crows directly said they don't blame Rook!
So why, BioWare?
Also reading about him possibly romancing Neve is just... why? She pretty much also ditched Treviso and him, why is she off the hook?
Tbh the Neve x Lucanis and Neve still being romanceable when you save Treviso things lets me believe, that it has to be some kind of bug, that he is intended to be romancable still (maybe I'm just clinging to that thought, because I truly don't want to believe they'd make such weird and unfair decisions regarding the Romance)
So yeah, I'm pretty much stuck rn, hoping I can somehow stick to my decision and also possibly expierence the Lucanis Romance. Is it petty? Maybe, tbh I'm even willing to wait a couple months until modders maybe figure out how to undo these non-sensical decisions and make him romancable.
And if it may turn out that Neve should also not be romanced if hardened? Well, I can accept if they really want to do the hardened stuff like this (even if I don't rly agree with it) but in my opinion it has to be fair on both sides instead of this... bs
So please, dear Devs or anyone who can give us an official answer, what is going on here? At least tell us, cause many ppl are upset, confused and just frustrated with the silence!
(I'm sorry for any spelling or grammatic errors, english is only my second language)
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