Forum Discussion

KhaldunTheWarden's avatar
3 hours ago

Controller/Keyboard inputs freeze frequently


Been playing about 4hours now, inputs regularly freeze while playing. It happens every 2-3minutes or so, long enough to make you forget it's there and then pops up again. It happens both in combat and in exploring, you are running and you notice that Rook/camera is still moving even when you let go of all controls. Takes about 2-3 seconds for it to notice that you are no longer giving input.  During this freeze period any other inputs seem ignored. Had this from the beginning in multiple areas. Playing on PC. 

Tried playing on full screen, triple buffering disabled, updating nvidia drivers, disabling other input methods, using only keyboard, using only controller. Nothing else seems related from what i've found on reddit, ea forums, ....

Could this bug be solved please? If you need any further info feel free to ask. 

Info: Playing on Nvidia 2080 TI, AMD ryzen 9 3900X, 32GB of RAM, generic official xbox controller, logitech keyboard and mouse  


EDIT1: Tried disabling G hub software as some other thread suggested it would help. It seems to lessen the frequency but not entirely remove the occurence of the bug. Happens most frequently when moving Rook and the camera at the same time. 

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