Forum Discussion

greenee710's avatar
New Novice
20 days ago

PC - Can't Dodge

I've been able to dodge through two playthroughs the whole time, but for some reason through Taash's last quest to fight the Dragon King I can no longer dodge during combat on this second playthrough. It's extremely frustrating. I've even restarted the game and that is not fixing it. It seemed to happen after I changed one of my abilities and even when I switched back to the ability I've been using the entire game and also to my secondary weapon it still won't let me dodge. I'm getting **bleep** up by the Antaam. Help? 😭 😅🤣😭

  • Hey, so I'm dumb and also so is this item. My Rook had an Amulet on called Unyielding Stone and it PREVENTS YOU FROM DODGING!!! LMAOOOO It's fixed now. Hope this helps anyone else.