PS5 controller issues on PC
Some very weird bugs are making the game unplayable for me using PS5 controller on PC. These are all repeatable and persist regardless of anything I've tried:
Settings menu: Can't progress beyond second tab because the game reads R1 input as cancel and exits settings. It reads the first R1 input correctly and changes to the second tab but also must be triggering reset button because a pop-up appears asking if I'm sure I want to reset all settings to default everytime.
Workaround: Cycle through settings tabs using L1 instead of R1.
Bug: Hovering over equipment or abilities in the equipment or companion screens instantly makes the tool tip disappear. Tool tip stops functioning.
Workaround: Hover cursor over class info which somehow brings the tool tip back displaying skill/gear info until window is closed/changed and bug repeats.
Bug: Choosing "change" / X button on any skill or piece of gear on companion screen does not work, period.
Workaround: None really. I have to unplug my controller. Change equipment via keyboard +mouse, save and exit game, plug my controller back in to regain controller input, and restart the game.
Bug: Warrior shield throw ability (R2) only works if I'm moving, this includes holding to charge and releasing shield.
Workaround: None
Bug: Press any button screen upon launch, only pressing a directional stick in any direction is accepted as an input. All other inputs won't work.
Workaround: None
I've tried disabling and enabling steam input. Updated controller firmware to latest. Restarted PC. Using DSX in native and virtual modes as well as disabling DSX. Controller is plugged in. I have three PS5 controllers and bugs persist on all three.
I finally figured out what was causing it for me. The game is incompatible with the Razer Tartarus keypad. Once I unplugged the Tartarus my controller works perfectly and all the problems above went away. I also can use mouse and keyboard too without having to reboot the game. Hope this helps y'all too. If you're not using a Tartarus try unplugging other peripherals that may be interfering with your controller input.