PS5 suggestions or improvements
Starting this in case there isn’t one yet, and to post some things that are a bit… hm.
Motion Sickness: Please give console more options to control FOV/Bloom/graphics, as the motion sickness is hitting people that have never experienced it before.
Walking: We shouldn’t have to use dodge or sprint to get anywhere quickly. The weird jog animation is someone slower than the walk in inquisition. Why? (Also, this is probably contributing to people’s motion sickness).
Colourblindness: as another post detailed, the settings are terrible and basically useless for many of us. I can’t use them at all, as they don’t really do anything for the colours I need changing.
There’s also issues with crashing, people’s Rooks resetting on continue/load, artefacts and audio issues….
(feel free to add to this list, I really hope there’s a patch to fix issues on all platforms)