3 years ago
EA App Feedback
#1) You can't even control the installation directory, only the directory that games are installed to... are you [removed] SERIOUS EA!?
#2) No launch command options such as using "+fps_max 144" a...
3) No support for VPN (works fine with origin)
4) No "Move Game" option (there is in Origin)
5) Thinks it is a game that needs to be recorded by nvidia shadow play?!! (Origin never had this problem)
6) No way to pop-out the Friends List (like you can in Origin)
7) Uses MORE resources than Origin?!
If Origin is the poor cousin of Steam. Then the EA (cr) App is.....well it's just garbage!
The fact that the new and improved app uses more resources than its troubled predecessor just breaks my brain. It's just a launcher for crying out loud.