EA Desktop Keeps Crashing
EA Desktop Keeps Crashing.
I keep getting the error window to send error report and restart the app. [screenshot attached]
I keep hitting restart. It tries to launch again. It comes back to the same location, with the same error the same window.
Restarted the computer, same thing.
Tried with 'Run as Administrator'.
I understand this is beta software but I got to say, I never saw so many problems with other game launchers like Steam or Epic Games Store or GOG Galaxy, back when they they were new and in beta.
There is a topic over at Bug reports where EA is requesting specific information to figure out what is causing these recent crashes. You should contribute to that thread and provide the information requested: https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports-Technical-Issues/Information-Request-EA-Desktop-Crashes/td-p/10226117