Forum Discussion
Hi! I found a new tutorial. Everything works!!
- Jomilej2 years agoNew Ace@Weeronaa I understand nothing but if I look at the settings, would it mean that we have to redownload Origin?
- 2 years ago@Jomilej Yes, I downloaded origin from the video description
This is an older version origin.
Everything works all the time. But I wonder how long it will last.... - 2 years ago
Download the older version of Origin from the top comment and then copy/paste the four lines from that comment into the local.xml. It worked for me.
- 2 years ago
So, EA pushed some update on us with our Origin clients again.....even though anyone who followed my guide SHOULD have automatic updates disabled.
Obviously, you want to chose the option to NOT update Origin and just stay in 'Offline' mode. But, ofc we won't want to HAVE to stay 'Offline' or how else would we install our games?
SO..... need to take a few additional steps. Close out Origin. Go back into your PC's directories and delete all instances of this file;
They'll be located in (up to) 3 places;
C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin
C:\ProgramData\Origin\SelfUpdate\StagedFor me, it was just 2...probably cuz of my settings and choice when I did encounter this today.
With those files gone....Origin client should behave normally again.
IF you messed up and chose the option to update / upgrade Origin client, you'll probably have to start all over again from scratch....with the install from the previously posted solution. But, this NOT log into Origin at time of install....choose to stay in offline mode. Then apply the code line into the 'local.xml' and delete those OriginThinSetupInternal.exe's first. Then you can start Origin normally again.
I'll post my original solution as well...EDITED cuz of new update.....since some jerkoff decided to delete all my posts for no legitimate's almost like they want to FORCE us into their new EA client even though it does NOT work for some of the games WE PAID for......which is downright criminal imo.
The update to the EA client is problematic for a lot of people for a bunch of their games. Solution is to re-install the Origin client and apply a fix to it. After having installed the EA client, it uninstalls the original Origin client. But, you can get the last good working Origin client FULL installer on TechSpot...which is a RELIABLE source guaranteed no virus or adware or modification to EA's file and even has the checksum posted for comparison so you know you get a good download...and It's the ONLY 'trustworthy' site I know of to get it...
Keep the EA client app as it's needed for verification in some games. But, you'll want to change some of it's settings. Disable 'start with Windows. Change game install directory to the Origin clients game install directory... \Orign Games. Link steam if you have games bought through Steam for EA/Origin client. Restart PC after all this so all these changes are saved in Windows Registry.
Now install the Origin client, DO NOT log'll remain in OFFLINE mode..and uncheck the settings for automatic updates. Close out Origin client. Run task manager and kill the Origin web helper keeps running in background for some stupid reason. Now open file explorer and change view settings to 'show hidden system files and folders.'
In the C: drive, you should now see a folder called "Program Data." Open it and go to the Origin folder.......
Stop origin client loading EA app message;
1. Open C:\ProgramData\Origin\local.xml in notepad
2. Add new key there:
<Setting key="MigrationDisabled" type="1" value="true" />
This should go at bottom just ABOVE the last line which is "</Settings>."
Save the file and exit.New step due to EA's attempt to keep us from using the Origin client again.......
**Delete the files called "OriginThinSetupInternal.exe" which are located at (up to) THREE LOCATIONS...(so far)...
C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin
C:\ProgramData\Origin\SelfUpdate\StagedStart Origin and log into your Origin account.
There may be a little update notification about Origin. Always choose option to NOT update Origin. Should set that in settings also.*** should be able to play your games properly now.
If a game is not working correctly, click it in Origin client library, click the gear icon and select 'Repair.' If it still doesn't seem to work, try uninstalling and re-installing.
If it's a game bought through steam, you'll install it using steam. Then launch Origin client, select that game in the library.... it'll show a 'download' button still. Click it, Origin will find the steam install and change the button to 'Play.' Always play your games using the Origin Client and the 'play' button for that game in the Origin client library. Some games will work properly using the desktop shortcut but, others will try an launch the EA client.....which we know can be problematic for some games. Still, some games maybe throw errors if you don't have the EA client background task running so, for those, run the EA client, minimize it, then use the Origin client to launch the game.
- starlysh2 years agoNew Traveler
I feel like I followed him for the most part, but I don't know what he was talking about in the Properties window. I'm not sure why it didn't work, but it's really nice to see people trying to find a way to keep Origin!
- 2 years ago
Pretty sure he's just saying what version of Origin it needs to be. The 10.5.119 one.
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