Forum Discussion
@MayPanDay wrote:On this Thread there is a solution: summarise, you firstly need to go to File Manager, and under the View option, tick the box that allows you to see Hidden Files.
Then go to your C:\ Drive, and then you will see the following Folder:
C:\ProgramData\In that you'll see an Origin Folder, open that.
In there you will see this File:local.xml
Save a copy of that, just in case, so you can put it back if needed.
Now open that File with, say, Notepad, and add the following Key just above the last line:
<Setting key="MigrationDisabled" type="1" value="true" />
Save that.Go to View and un-tick the option to view Hidden Files.
Then when you launch Origin or a Game, the EA App pop up from the Origin Login, should be gone.
Worked for me.
I had my hopes up for this... Sadly it didn't work, still getting EA app popup.
The Workaround did work, but EA changed things to stop it from working.
Amazing, so they lurk here checking for people finding legal Workarounds, but do absolutely nothing to fix the EA App problem itself.
A Company with its priorities bolted on back-to-front.
- 2 years ago
TLDR; EA has begun shutting down servers and Origin simply no longer functions, whether you apply any fixes or not. I'm sorry ☹️
Hello friends and fellow sufferers. I have terrible news for everyone here, much to my own misery. As of today, 19 June 2023, it appears that EA has shut down a portion of Origin's online servers. After hours of trying to figure out why the common fix worked yesterday and now does not, I finally found a YouTube tutorial where the creator pinned a comment today with this information. Seems they are officially swinging the hatchet on many players' last hope for their games--at least until further notice.
If you would like to read the comment or watch the video (another explanation of a fix which you've probably tried at this point) then I provide you with the link:
And if you don't feel comfortable following a link, then you can search the following on YouTube directly: "Stickmanweasel How to bypass the EA app migration message in origin"
I hope this is, at the very least, helpful to some people when it comes to not wasting time with dead end searches. I fear what the result of this new sabotage is for players that don't have the option to try to use the new platform whatsoever. Good luck comrades, and please for the love of holy chickens--don't shoot the messenger!
- 2 years ago
Not true. They haven't purged the servers on Mac. Whether they like it or not, until they purge the the servers on Mac, there is ALWAYS a work around.
Just gonna leave this here.
- 2 years ago
@HotFoot23 Unfortunately that doesn't work, for me at least. Origin now loads but my games library is empty.
I can still use the system tray icon to launch recent games but I could do that back when the Please Use EA App message was displayed.
- 2 years ago
That worked great!!
Thank you for sharing.
I can now play my favorite game using the right click on tray icon.
No need to install that EA app that act's like a virus.
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