Forum Discussion
What it says, downloaded the EA app since not opening origin for a couple of years, Ea app deleted origin y installed itself, and now when I try to log in the app just crashes.
- EA_Barry2 years ago
Community Manager
Check the following post for info on this, thanks.
- 2 years ago
The post you linked me has absolutely nothing to do with the problem I am experiencing, or do you intend me to read the 79 pages to see if anything sticks?
- 11 months ago
Jesus Christ, why is it so hard to just roll back the update to the previous version? How long are we gonna have to wait to play games that are perfectly functional just because your stupid unnecessary app isn't working?
- 11 months ago
İt is incredible to act so indifferently to this problem ecperienced by many users. This problem is caused by your last update. Can you understand this now and do what is necccesarry? We haven't been able to access the games we paid for for days.
It shouldn't be this Hard.