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EA and Steam
I have recently connected my EA account to my Steam account. My hope was that I would be able to play Sims4 with all my DLC from both the EA account and the Steam account, but unfortunately it did not work out. Now I can only play my Steam DLC. I have way more DLC on my EA account. I can't seem to get my DLC from EA to work. It says it is installed. I need help. Worst case scenario I would be fine just getting all my EA DLC back and just eat the 20 dollars I spent on DLC on Steam. Please help! Thank you!gingersnap041515 minutes agoNewcomer1View0likes0CommentsGame: The sims 4 ( + extension packs) - Load and close
Hello, I have been having issues lately after reinstalling my game on a new computer (superior to the game requirements) but the game doesn't fully load. I have been through the chat with the team, but after trying everything they asked me to do, I still cannot run the game. The game (+ expansion packs)(trying to open from the ea app or the icon from desktop or BIN folders) all show the same results. The game starts to load and goes up until the " C 2017 ELETRONIC ARTS INC." and then closes and returns to the EA app. Options I've already tried: - Reinstall the game - Reinstall the Ea APP - Execute as administrator (both options, from clicking with the right mouse button and execute as administrator, and marking the option inside the BIN folder to automatically run as administrator, this last option after marking it generates a different error message " The requested operation requires elevated permissions" - Repairing the game (from the EA app) - Drivers updates - Deactivating my firewall/anti-virus Can someone help me, please? I also attached a video trying to open the game. I hope to hear from someone. Thanks in advance. Regards, Thais.2Views0likes0Comments- 12njdawi033 hours agoNewcomer16Views1like1Comment
I purchased the Sims 4 Wedding pack but the world has not downloaded
The world Tartosa has not downloaded. It says "world not installed. when this pack has finished download and restart the Sims to install it. " I've restarted this game and completed updates plenty of times. I'm not sure what's going on. Thank you!tracig4193 hours agoNewcomer5Views0likes0CommentsEA desktop crash while I was winning a Squad Battles game
Well, Im an adult like everyone else that waste the little time i have playing FC 25, so... i was playing squad battles to get a little good rewards and was winning the match by 6-1, and simply boom- the EA desktop just crashed. I lost all the points of that game. And thats makes me crazy, shet... Why do I lose my time playing this... I wounder why the game doesnt understand that I actually was winning and the fault of the disconect is that %$@# ea desktop. Why do I lose my rewards... this is discouraging. And they tell "We know why the app crashed" and simply dont tell me why. I havent found a way to see the log. Thats the two things that makes me upset: I cant have the log and that I had lost time playing that match. Everything in this, its just exhausting.Guibauken3 hours agoSeasoned Newcomer2Views0likes0CommentsSquad battles is constantly dashboarding me!
Why is it that i only get 10 or 11 games every week for squad battles instead of 12?!?! literally every week WITHOUT FAIL, the game always dashboards me at least one game and i can never get those points back, just 0. i try to give feedback or get help from EA and the site literally sends you in circles and sends you to forums instead of allowing you to actually report the issue!!!!! EA please take some responsibility for your game!!!!!!!Brettski74 hours agoNew Novice1View0likes0CommentsMy screen turns black after the newest update for The sims 3
When I turn on the game and there is an intro, the melody plays but the screen is black. The problem started occurring after the latest update to The Sims 3. I have already tried to repair both the EA application and the game itself in the application. I cleared cache files, reinstalled the game, added my graphics card to the game files, updated graphics card drivers. Does anyone else have this problem and if not, do they know how to fix it?2Views0likes0CommentsI cannot download the dlc's that I've bought on Windows
I started playing sims and buying contents on my windows laptop. Now I have a Mac and I installed sims4 on EAplay but ı cannot download DLC's. I can see them throught the "manage add-ones" section but it says they're only available on Windows. Please help, I spend A LOT of money to buy them and I want to play with them on my new computer :(gq5fyq1n93ux7 hours agoNewcomer13Views0likes0Commentsمشكله داخل اللعبه
Hello, I am facing a problem in the game FIFA 2025. When I start it, the screen becomes white and I cannot see the options in the game, which are the start of a match, Ultimate Team, and the others. I ask you to help me and solve my problem, with all due respect to you.Ahmed_alaniiii7 hours agoNewcomer3Views0likes0CommentsMass Effect Andromeda i migajace bądz znikajace cienie
Witam, pisze ponieważ zachciało mi sie wrócić do marki mass effect zaczałem grać w andromede i poprostu gdzie bym nie był czasem sa cienie czasem nie mam Rtx 5080 myślałem że to problem karty ale znajomy co ma 4080 miał coś podobnego, już chyba probowałem wszystkiego zabawy z cieniami z hz, ale zauważyłem że jak nie mam skalowania rozdzielczości włączonej to w ogóle cieni nie ma i z daleka co najwyżej znikaja jak gdiześ sie zbliżam i czasem cos mrygnie ale to już prawie niewidoczne i tych cieni nie ma. Ale jak włącze skalowanie rozdziałki i chociaż troche dam wiecej niż mam cienie są ale pod jakimś kontem czy z wiekszym ruchem postaci no mrygaja i nie da sie w to grać, Proszę o pomocbartek333658 hours agoNewcomer3Views0likes0CommentsEA/Sims 4 keeps crashing..
For the past 2-3 weeks or so, my Sims 4 keeps crashing. Every time I’m playing, the game will randomly close and return to EA. At first, I thought it was because of mods/CC, but I’ve repaired and troubleshooted, and it’s still happening. I realized EA has been updating a lot recently, and every time Sims 4 crashes, it’s because EA has an update. It’s frustrating AF because I keep building/playing Sims, and then it won’t save due to the crash, so I have to start all over again. Please let me know if anyone knows why this is happening or what to do. Thanks :(((((do5vr5ndm8r49 hours agoSeasoned Newcomer8Views0likes0CommentsThe sims4 not loading(windows)
Hi guys i need help.I just wanted to play the sims4 but it didnt load and idk why i checked everything and nothing.Idk but maybe its because yesterday the EA app needed an update and i update it and since then the game is not loading on EA app nor Steam.It was just running fine yesterday and now its not.9Views0likes0CommentsEA app uninstalled the sims 2 ???
When I loaded up my computer this morning I saw in the EA app that my sims 2 was uninstalled. I go to download it again and it gives me an error. I go and check in my documents files and computer files and see that the game is very much still there, but it cant be launched because the ea app thinks the game is uninstalled (???????). Please dont give me any noob advices on what I should do I have literally done everything in the book to get the game up and running again but whatever I do I cant get it to work again. Please EA help me start a ticket on this I am in desperate need for help!!!!!karlpettersson14 hours agoSeasoned Newcomer66Views4likes5Comments