Forum Discussion
Product: The EA app
Error Report ID (learn how to create an Error Report ID in the sticky post) 7450ddd1-cdf2-47f5-8c32-e07c291ff28f
Which client functionality are you experiencing this bug with? Performance
When did this happen? ( hh:mm) 18.02.24 01:50
Summarize your bug After logging into the EA App, the app opens to the hub screen for a few seconds before crashing and displaying a dialog saying "The app crashed unexpectedly". The cycle repeats if I click on the restart app button in the dialog.
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Open the app, log in (if not already) and wait a couple seconds for it to inevitably crash.
What happens when the bug occurs? The app crashes and displays a dialog saying "The app crashed unexpectedly"
What do you expect to see? The app should not crash and I should be able to play games I have purchased.
This has been going on for about a week now. The newest updated version of the app was said to fix this issue but it hasn't for me.
CM edit: edited title for clarity.
Hi @Bagel7,
Sorry to hear that you're still experiencing the issue.
Could you please attempt to repair the EA app and see if the problem continues? If it does, please create and share an Error Reporter ID in this thread, along with the EA app logs. This will allow our teams to delve deeper into possible reasons behind this issue.
Thank you.
- 2 years ago
Unfortunately, the problem still persists after attempting to repair the app.
Error Reporter ID: 4194aadd-b809-4671-addd-0bb88d0671e2
Logs are attached.
- EA_Leeuw2 years ago
Community Manager
Hi @Bagel7,
A small follow-up; it looks like the EA app crash you're experiencing is potentially related to outdated or corrupt video drivers, like the AMD or Nvidia graphics drivers. Do you perhaps know what kind of GPU you have in your system, or could you perhaps share a DxDiag of your system?
How to gather information on your PC using DxDiag: 2 years ago
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070
GPU driver version:
DxDiag is attached
- 8 months ago
BF 2042 crashes a few minutes after launching, I re-installed the game and verified the files but I still encounter the same problem!, any ideas?