Forum Discussion

JesLet40's avatar
Seasoned Ace
6 months ago

Can't edit existing posts

Like the title said, when trying to edit existing posts, it won't update. I click on the right icon, is taken to the editing page, make my edits and press publish. 

Nothing happens! 

I've done this repeatedly with the same outcome. Others using the same method says it works fine for them. If I leave the edit page and return, it has saved my edits, I can see them there. I just can't publish them. I've also seen others with the same issue. 

What is wrong and when will it be addressed? 

  • What device and browser are you using?  I have no problem editing my posts on the desktop Mac version of Firefox.  And is this for all your posts, or only a few?  If you were working with older threads, please try editing this one for comparison's sake.

  • I am on Chrome and I can edit new posts just fine, it's the older migrated one. I have heard several others are having the same issue. 

      • EA_David's avatar
        Icon for Community Admin rankCommunity Admin

        I believe you should be able to, I certainly can with my elevated account, but I don't have a regular account which has old Sims content. 

        Can I check what you're trying to edit? I assume it's editing in updated pictures to the Whittaker Saga, in which case, can you try editing just text first?
        Also, just to double check, from your description it sounds like  there's no flash of an error or page highlights, Publish is clickable but non-responsive. Is this the case?

        Editing in a potential fix: From investigating, this seems to happen when there's a hyperlink contained within spoiler tags. If anyone finds themselves unable to edit, please check for this within the post, and change as appropriate. 
        We've submitted a bug report on our end for this too. 


  • Hi guys I think I found work around after wrestling with my story thread
    (not fix just very annoying work around)

    Only edit one thing at once 

    adding picture = only add the picture 
    DO NOT edit the rows, text, image size or anything else in the same edit
    just click the exact place you want to put your image,
    click that adding picture button, add picture with it and hit publish

    editing text = ONLY edit the text, do not add rows, scoot it upwards or downwards 
    if you need to put something on different row use cut and paste method

    hit publish after every little change you make, cancel it everytime it autodrafts anything 
    and try to post before theres autodraft (as in as soon as your image loads hit publish immediately)

    also if you need to delete anything do that in separate edit of its own 
    don't edit anything else just delete the thing by cutting it publish immediately

  • I think its mainly those migrated threads
    editing little by little works for me now though so I'm doing that
    it seems to not like using the new editing tools or changing many different things at once

  • EgonVM's avatar
    Seasoned Ace

    I'm having the same issue. I edited just one link to a post on this forums to a text and then suddenly, publish doesn't work. There are no links under spoilers. I cannot even make new discussions.

    I click on Publish, it is there for some time, then nothing happens and I can click on Publish again. I did use the spoiler tag in the new post though (but it had no link in it)...

    Browser used: Chrome

  • Okay I might have post where I can't use my work around either 🤨 not sure whats so special about that one post though

    no links or spoilers or anything on it

     Microsoft Edge , PC

    its this post

    Henford Gossip ☕️ | EA Forums - 1332519

    rest of the thread I can edit with my workaround but that one won't even take to that

    • Simmingal's avatar

      Okay interesting I think I figured that post out its working now with the workaround too
      I think it was the strikethrough on one of the words blocking it

  • Simmingal wrote:

    Okay interesting I think I figured that post out its working now with the workaround too
    I think it was the strikethrough on one of the words blocking it

    I'm glad you figured it out. This is such a mess, not to mention slow. I finally gave up editing, and just started a blog for my story and the progress has been so much faster. I've now posted 85 posts since yesterday, and that includes time to set the blog up. In comparison I hadn't done half of that in three days with the thread here. Just manually fixing all the images, then failing to do so, then trying again, then being logged out and having to start over...  Now I delete everything, add a link to the blog and one picture and I'm done with it. 

    Also the blog looks better :) 

  • me1620's avatar
    Seasoned Vanguard

    Hi.  It was suggested to me to post here about my experience with editing posts in migrated threads which is similar to what others are experiencing.  I host the DD thread which was migrated from the previous forum.  I am trying to fix an image which now only shows the image's url link to post that I cannot edit.  When I select edit, I copied the image's url into the link box.  The photo appears properly in the edit view.  However, when I select reply (I expected to see "publish" or "save") the photo doesn't show, only the url.  When I select "edit" again, the image appears in edit mode.  When I select "reply", the image does not appear.  

    I did create a new post in the DD thread and have been able to edit the post created in the forum.

    I use Chrome and Windows 10. 

    Edit to add:  I read  a post   by GalaticGal that it may be better to upload photos directly from my computer rather than linking to imgur.  I tried to upload the photo from my computer.  Still no luck.  Both versions of the photo are visible in the edit view but not the published post. 

    • Simmingal's avatar

      Did you try with this work around:

      copy the image link somewhere like note pad
      cancel the edit on this post
      remove the image link and click reply

      does this edit go through?
      if yes you can then attempt to click edit again and add the picture then hit reply
      try to avoid changing any other formatting at the same time with adding pictures
      (including changing the rows its very particular that those shall not be changed in same edit)

  • me1620's avatar
    Seasoned Vanguard

    Simmingal  - I tried replying to you the other day.  I had typed my reply and decided to insert an emoji.   I selected the emoji button and my screen went blank and my message was lost. 

    I did try the work around you suggested but it has not worked.  I just checked the post in the migrated thread which I was trying to edit.  The image is visible in the edit mode.  However, none of my changes take effect after selecting reply.  As well, the link for the text is visible, which I had deleted, and the photo does not show.  I have found a feedback post that users were having problems with migrated photos.  

    • Simmingal's avatar

      you have to cancel all the autosaved edits made to the post first otherwise nothing will go through its same for these comments if you go too bananas with formatting it can't take many different edits at once and autosave keeps all the edits you made previously