Forum Discussion

Chicklet45368's avatar
New Traveler
10 days ago


On your "Update to the Forums" post it said:

Site Performance: In recent weeks we’ve seen site performance is not consistently at the level it should be. "Sometimes pages wouldn’t load, errors like “community not found” and “internal server error” would appear, or folks couldn’t log in" We’ve been working behind the scenes to identify what’s been happening, and we believe one of the main causes of this has been found and addressed this week.
As ever, if you are encountering such issues, please let us know.

Well I'm here to let you know that it is most definitely NOT FIXED!

I have the Sims 4 Forum bookmarked:

This is the Bookmark URL I've saved


When I tried to access the forum today using that saved Bookmark, 2 things happened:

1 - It took me to another's profile about their Badges (Lili824 is NOT me!) I feel like that's a breach of privacy when I'm taken to someone else's profile!

2 - When I tried go Log in I got the "Couldn't Authenticate" message AGAIN.

I'm, so confused by why this particular website has so many issues and not one single other website has them.

I should not be logged out unless I log out myself. This is not a bank/personal information website that would time out due to privacy issues. The other forum never logged me out unless there was an update with the site or my personal PC.

So, why does this one have that issue?

I should not have to clear my "cache" in order to make YOUR website work. I don't have to do that for any other website.

Why should I be inconvenienced by clearing the cache and browsing history from all of my other saved sites just to make YOUR site function correctly?

That's NOT acceptable!!

  • luciusstorm's avatar
    Seasoned Veteran

    I am finding that the I've having fewer redirect issues and am being randomly logged out less frequently when I access the site using the Edge browser on my laptop. Using the Chrome browser on my Android phone, both are still a constant issue.

    EA_Nils, I am still getting the Authentication error fairly regularly when logging in on my phone. Again, it happens less frequently on my laptop but it does still happen periodically. 

    This site remains both sufficiently unstable and generally flawed that I am abandoning it as my primary online community for Sims and EA news and information. I check in periodically still, but I am pretty much done.

  • EA_Nils's avatar
    Icon for Community Admin rankCommunity Admin

    On 1 - This is a critical bug that we acknowledged and are waiting for the fix to get deployed. It's not a privacy issue (the badge pages for any users are public) - rather it's a super annoying issue where your local browser cache for the site appears to get corrupted and as a result you get redirected/misdirected to another place.

    You are right in that deleting your whole browser cache for an issue just with our website is silly. It's sufficient to just delete the cache for You can find steps for Chrome here, and for other browsers here.

    On 2 - That was an outage/incident. Unfortunately it took way longer to get fixed then what's acceptable and we have raised our concerns with our platform host to ensure less incidents and faster resolution.

  • FreddyFox1234's avatar
    Seasoned Hotshot

    Rob199x  I agree that the old forum, for all its age and apparent needing to be patched up behind the scenes, worked much better than here.

    And I second pacer1965 — I’m finding Sim Creatives a great relief, as it feels and works just like our old home.

  • pacer1965's avatar
    Seasoned Adventurer

    Yes still happening for me as well. First it was to a Star Wars thread and now it's a 13 year old thread from the sims 3.This never happened on the old Sims forum or any other site I have book marked. I'm on Sim creatives forum if any one wants to join me. Much easier to use

  • Rob199x's avatar
    Rising Adventurer

    That whole update post feels so misguided and strange. They fully acknowledge that they noticed that people do not want this pseudo reddit style forum....yet we have to trust them they'll try to make it better without reverting back to a old style proper Bulletin board style forum. I guess it's good they aknowledge performance issues, but for as much as Cade kept complaining about the old forum being a decrepid out of date platform they couldn't update because the feature disparity was to large to make a jump, it still ran better then this. And it's been over a year since they were working on this.

  • FreddyFox1234's avatar
    Seasoned Hotshot

    Yep, I’m still having the same problems with my bookmarks too. I’ve just given up expecting them to take me to the right place. And I refuse to clear my cache, even as a short-term measure. That shouldn’t be necessary. I haven’t noticed any improvements in performance.

    Individuals (i.e. not big companies with huge amounts of money behind them) have set up brand-new forums quickly over the past weeks as a response to the issues here. There are lots of different sections, increasing numbers of posts — and yet none of these problems arise on their forums. Those forums just work. Links take you where you want to go. Bookmarks work. So what is the problem here?

    • Rob199x's avatar
      Rising Adventurer

      The issue here in my opinion is that they didn't set up a forum, they set up a stripped down version of a social media website. It's like Epic games trying to mimic Steam but failing