[Improvement] Visuals for subanswers
It's ok when we got 1 question = many answers thread it's seems ok because all answers related to the main user who ask the question.
But in the discussion some people (as myself) want to comment on other's thoughts or answers and there is no visual distinguish for that exept username tag like @user.
Reddit got this with lines connecting replies.
Disqus got this in tab / spacing for the subreply.
And here just plain text with same position of text making it's hard to concentrate on the reading identifying whos talking to who just only with the @user naming.
There are pros and cons to both. In particular in more open ended general discussions settings, we can see the benefits of threaded.
That said, until there are better ways to navigate big threads (pagination, jump to next unread, and the like) we have decided to set the default thread view to linear globally. Those that prefer threaded can overwrite this via their profile setting for now.