It Takes Two Friend's Pass Banned
I'm in a really baffling situation here and could truly use some advice or guidance from anyone who might have experienced something similar. Up until recently, I've never played any game published by EA, nor have I owned one. However, my friend has It Takes Two, and we were excited to play it together using the Friend's Pass on Steam, a feature that seemingly allows two people to play together even if only one owns the game.
Here's where things started getting strange: After downloading It Takes Two, the game prompted me to create an EA account to proceed. I obliged and set one up without any issues, or so I thought. The next time I tried to log in, I was greeted with a message informing me that my account has been banned. Confused, I checked for a reason behind the ban, only to find that the ban reason field was blank - no explanation whatsoever.
I tried to object to the ban, but found that I couldn't fill out the form.Having never played an EA game or engaged in any activities that could possibly breach their policies , I'm at a loss for what could've triggered this.
Has anyone here gone through something similar? Could there be a reason behind this that I'm not seeing? It's especially frustrating because the promise of being able to play It Takes Two with just one copy was a major draw for us, and now, not only am I unjustly banned for reasons unknown, but I can't even unlink my EA account from my Steam account to attempt any sort of workaround.
I'm just trying to understand this situation better and ideally find a way to play a game I was genuinely looking forward to experiencing with a friend.
Thanks in advance for your help!
You will need to direct any questions related to a TOS sanction to our TOS team @zhouchuyu0625.
There is no one else who can assist: