7 years agoMy game won't work?
I just downloaded the game and ever time I open it the ea and maxis logos show up then a black screen with music shows up. The game is playing the screen is just black, I can't see any thing. I don't...
Try to repair the game. (in Origin > Game Library > right click "A Way Out" > Repair)
If that don't works, please create a DxDiag in text file format, also go to your Reliability monitor (Press the windows key and "R" at the same time and copy or type "perfmon /rel" (without the quotes) in > ENTER and look if it has "A Way Out" entries.
If yes double click at the last one, copy it to the clipboard, (Bottom left corner) save it to a text file and load it up together with the DxDiag.
You can do that with the "Browse" button at the bottom right corner of the reply window.
I have done repairing, the reliability monitor has no entries with a way out. And also i tried my friend's version (he has friend pass version), and it works on my computer with no problems. But if he tries to start my version he gets an origin error, that too many computers tried launching this game, but if i log back into my account it shows me nothing.
The error at your friend machine occurs probably because he has the "Friends" version on his machine.
There is a newer GPU driver available.
Install the driver > reboot > test.
Disable "Origin in Game" > test.
Disconnect one monitor > reboot > test.
If all that don't works, preform a clean boot and test the game afterwards.
Having the same problem. uninstalled and reinstalled 3 times, origin up to date, not getting a process for it.
You have a AMD and a NVIDIA GPU running together in your system?
For what reason if I may ask?
Regardless, the DxDiag shows a driver error with the GTX 650 and both drivers are long outdated.
If you want my suggestion, get rid of the GTX 650, the R9 390 is way faster.
Deinstall the GTX 650 from the Windows device manager > shut down your machine > pull the 650 > start > use DDU to get rid of the NVIDIA driver vestiges > Install the newest driver for the R9 390 > reboot > test.
None of those work, we called ea support they said they do not know what the problem is and that they will talk to specialists about this problem. Thanks for your help.