Good job EA fooling people and treating them like *. I bought Wild Hearts and subscribed especially EA Play in addition on Steam to get the early 10h playtime... now it isn't working at all for hundreds or even thousands of players. I'm also sad for all the EA Play Pro buyers who promised early access unlimited... so you let them really pay for a service promise you did not hold up to till now. This is just a scam in pure form.
I was buying EA Play just for the access and you tricked us all. No info, nor regular updates on how far you are in the process to fix this mess. And thanks to the fact you blocked Origin Launcher at all with this nice message telling people "Hey use EA App it's much better" without getting around this, so we would be able to play through Origin launcher.
Damn, I'm just sad for Koei Tecmo as the developers... that's exactly how a publisher screws up stuff for devs!
How can you screw this launch up so badly? I mean you knew this game was coming up, does your QA department just asleep? This looks like you did no testing at all nor did you provide any workaround solution that works! That's why I avoided EA Play till today... and guess what, I will also in the future. Just send a refund request to Steam and that's it for EA Play from my side.
I spend so much time, bandwidth and nerves just to follow not working workarounds, downloading the game twice... btw. the download at your great and the new EA App launcher worked not at all... just stuck for 1h in "queuing"... Best launcher I've ever seen... If you are not able to program a launcher that is working you may consider just leaving it be and sticking to platforms like Steam directly. If you offer a service people pay for with their hard-earned money you should take care your * is in order otherwise your service is just a scam to your customers.
I'm sorry to say, but with such bad service at a launch, you deserve all the bad reputation you have in the gamer community.
Interested to see if you fix this mess before launch and if at least the planned launch will work as expected.
@all the other people: Sorry, but this was something I had to get out. For everyone like me, who bought EA Play just for the purpose to get access to this lovely designed game by Koei Tecmo, you also should consider getting a refund for the EA Play purchase. Advertising a game with the promise to get early access (for 10h or unlimited) and screwing things up like this should not be valued at all.
16h since the last info in this thread... @EA_David that's how EA thinks good customer support is working? Just a thought,... if your support team here is not able to keep track of all the posts here complaining about the access, may you should consider an official sticky info post where you can post every couple hours a status of how far the fix is in the process. Even a "Nothing new yet from our devs, they are still investigating" would help just a bit to calm down people and let your customers know you are still on it. For now, it just looks like you are doing nothing. Maybe the most annoying is the lack of information for your customers.