Xbox One - Unable to connect to friends lobby
Product: A Way Out
Platform:Microsoft XBOX One
Which mode has this happened in? Online Co-Op
Which character were you controlling? Leo
Summarize your bug I didn't get to choose a character - can't get into a lobby - when invited (or invite sent) unable to connect - it will advise Authenticating, then this goes away and i am left with the spinning loading circle in the middle of my screen.
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? by going on xbox and inviting friends - 2 other friends I know having same issue.
What happens when the bug occurs? it doesn't load the game.
What do you expect to see? a $40 video game I can play with my friends?
that pretty much sums it up.
- Anonymous7 years ago
Hey All,
We received some reports of Xbox players regarding this matter.
We have sent the report to our studio, we will keep you informed on this thread as soon as we have any update.
While we are investigating the mentioned issue, I would advice you to fully restart both, your console and your friend's one, as some players mentioned that it fixed the issue for them.
Apologies for the inconvenience.
* Accepting the comment as a solution for visibility, the issue is still under investigation.