I have gotten in touch with EA Help and they too do not have a proper solution as of yet. I don't mind not having access to Origin. That is not the main problem that drove me to insanity. My problem was that one of the Mass Effect 2 files did not function as intended. The file is "awc.dll" that fails to load when I launch from EA Desktop. I can launch using ME2game.exe without issues. I tried to fix the situation by using Origin to start downloading the game, put it on pause, move the target game folder and then have it scan the entirety of the game for issues. Ultimately it would then tell me that there are some files that need to be redownloaded instead of downloading the entire game. Something like Steam does to verify game file integrity.
Problem was that Origin does not think that I have an EA Play subscription and attempts to resell me on it. How can it not simply use my account details to verify that I have EA Play? I would think it is a simple check against a database of current EA Play subscriptions, verify the authenticity of the user and BAM, Origin would know you have EA Play and allow you to download your games. It should not put you in a different position simply because you followed a different route to get EA Play.