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100 Replies
After the 1.14 update I get some temporary game freezes / freeze frames about every 4 laps or so. The duration of the stuttering varies from a third of a second up to roughly one and a half seconds . I'm playing on PC. Anyone else experiencing similar issues since the update?
Thanks in advance.
- AlexanderPD4 months agoRising Traveler
i have played with some friends a multiplayer game. We had some issues
So.. here a list of what happened:
- i got kicked before starting a race with the error "not enough players to start the match", but we were 8 players (it was monaco, we had 20min qualify)
- when re-entering the race i tried to regain control of my car, but after choosing the option "take control" i could only see the IA running my car without having any hud or chance to take control of my car. After 2 full laps i exited and re-entered the session, but my car was retired
- one of the player saw this into the lap remaining to box:
(look at the blue number in the right-bottom corner)
- 2 of the CPU "forgot" to go into the box, so they didn't change the tire and got disqualified
- a CPU got the fastest time ever on monaco: 36 seconds
- after that we have to race in Baku. It had perfect weather, a perfect sun without any clouds.. but half of us had intermediate tires for the qualify session
- the smoke is too heavy and stays on track too much time, its really impossibile to follow other players
(in this screeshot you can see the smoke of only 2 cars 2 seconds ahead of me, a CPU and a player. When there are 4 or more cars you can't see anything, and this happen on EVERY corner)
I'm playing on PS5, but the game was in crossplay with some PC and some XBOX users. This 1.14 patch needs some work IMHO
- McLarensenna634 months agoNew Traveler
In response to your comments regarding the issues you have outlined related to the handling for controller players, I would like to clarify that there are no inherent problems with the handling for this group of players. If you are experiencing difficulties with car handling, it is likely due to the car setups you are utilizing. Furthermore, concerning the other items you have mentioned, I would like to assert that there are no invisible bumps in the gameplay.
Is my impression or is the smoke worse after update 1,14? Now there's a black smoke that didn't exist before and the smoke is popping up when the drivers in front of you have seen the steering wheel a lot and not just when they're locking the wheels. Please go back to what it was before the update.
- marcusm20224 months agoNew Traveler@buelzenost Enable Nvidia DLSS and then put it into performance
in VIDEO MODE Thanks. I'll try that today after work. My current settings were "TAA and Fidelity FX Sharpening" or something like that. Used to work pretty well up until yesterday
Wow the tire smoke has gotten WORSE! Going into corners with cars ahead is now a pure guessing game. carnage in yesterdays league race china hairpin. this has got to be a joke...
We need a hotfix today for this patch. Was it not tested at all? Surely you played it before you sent it out?
i have the same problem
before this update, the graphics are all smooth and good
after this update, first need to set DLSS for better FPS
second, i think every lap will have a moment that suddenly frame drop, so many times i went off the track
- @Baby_tintin1234 Yep! The graphics are bugged. I've tried new drivers and old ones and it still occurs
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