@scumbagshawty wrote:
You fixed the byline cutback meta eventually.
Gameplay is terribly inconsistent.
The “META” of switch defenders, sprinting at the ball, spamming tackle, and immediately switching to the 2nd man presser and repeating is bad for the game.
No balance in the game. Play styles feel useless at times. Getting tackled through your body while left stick dribbling with someone who has press proven consistently is frustrating.
Using the Rapid playstyle with a knock on into space with a 98-99 speed player only to get chased down before your next touch is frustrating when you’re taking advantage of a mistake.
Having to control all your attackers in game that is built around constant pressure and rewarding crazy aggression while also not punishing it is not fun.
Passing someone through 30-ish yards out and even though you SHOULD be able to take a few touches and even getting a 1on1 with the keeper, you pass out because you know this game will allow someone to chase you down and even tackle you from behind even if the attacker has press proven and 95+ strength.
The weird spasmodic animations with touches especially when someone unsuccessfully tackles you but the animations compensate for their failure and set them up to just tackle you again.
The looseness (ice skating) of defenders when jockeying trying to guard turn merchants who will try spinning around for 3-5 seconds to get you out of position.
The poor (for me at least) 2nd man press that’s in the right position but doesn’t tackle or go for deflections/interceptions.
The poor responsiveness in controlling your players randomly.
The unbelievable spam fest when you win possession in your own box. The poor responsiveness also is a favor here too.
The unbelievable tackling ability of players with very low standing/sliding tackle stats.
Someone mentioned this before but seeing a defender almost so a somersault to intercept a lobbed pass/cross but let a regular ground pass roll by their feet.
Playing a 15-20 minute game of non stop pressure is not fun.
First touch playstyle, press proven playstyle, power shot playstyle, and most of the passing playstyles need a SLIGHT buff.
Left stick dribbling, skills, in certain situations need to be buffed to balance/calm the aggression in the game. No I don’t want people spamming skills from midfield into the box.
Defensive AI capabilities need to be based more on the attributes of the card.
Stamina drain and stamina differences should matter more.
Slow down recovery speed from missed tackles and defenders out of position.
This is the most unrelaxing video game I’ve ever played. I’m not a 14 year old kid looking for sweats every game. I want to play the game, feel like I’m in control, pull off some cool skills/dribbles/shots in moments that make sense. That is completely missing from this game more than any other fifa game in the past. Every game is a complete sweat/spam fest where the defense can recover no matter how out of position, how bad they miss tackles, how high up the pitch they play. The “elite” players may like this but from what I’ve seen around here 80-90% of your player base hates it. Don’t neglect us..
@scumbagshawtyThank you for posting this, it's close to the end of the game's yearly cycle and I feel everything you wrote in this every time I play the game. The game is not made for players to think about how they want to play and play that way. They might say it is made that way because of playstyles and whatever other nonsense they can come up with but at the end of the day the CORE gameplay mechanics, be it with a 60 OVR bronze card or 99 Pele, are extremely inconsistent in different situations, without there being a real reason for the inconsistency in the said situation. The game doesn't at all take any skill, all you have to do is spam switches and tackles when you don't have the ball and when you do eventually get the ball back because EA loves bailing the TRASH players out, you just have to play a lob through ball to an attacker that is being marked by an AI, because for some reason, when it comes to the midfield area and before that, the AI refuses to just mark the player and their runs near them. They just completely ignore the player or run NEXT to the player instead of in between the attacker and the goal. The game does NOT promote even 1% of real video game logic or even real football logic. It's a complete clusterfuck of random animations happening while 2 players fight the stupid game logic to outscore the other player. There is NO other video game in all of gaming history that has been created this way on purpose, just so that the average player doesn't get absolutely destroyed when he plays against someone better than him. It's manipulative, toxic, unfun, you can call it so many things that I would never run out of superlatives for it. It's an absolute joke. What makes it much worse, however, is the fact that the majority of the players who do appear online on forums here, on social media, etc., don't even acknowledge the fact the game, at its very core, is broken beyond repair and cannot be salvaged by having any fun when playing online. They all wanna talk about different player cards, what kind of content EA releases, etc.
It's really sad to see the majority of the playerbase absolutely brainwashed this way. If more of them woke up and realized what was happening, EA would not be allowed to get away with this much treachery every year. Now, next month, FC25 is gonna come out, and without even looking at the "deep dives" (😬 trying to say that phrase without cringing), I can bet my entire life savings on the fact that this game is gonna be somehow even more sluggish, random, and AI dependent than FC24. Because that's what has been happening since I got back into FIFA with 22 after taking a break since 17 mid-year.
Real players like us who enjoy the challenge of playing online against other people, figuring out their playstyle, go-to strategy, etc., then, countering it; we have been mentally murdered in FC24. Here there is NO playstyle, NO thought process, NOTHING. Just spam whatever OP mechanics you've learnt and pray the RNG doesn't screw you over. Mark my words, FC IQ is gonna be trash for the game, as is the Rush game mode, as is every single new thing they implement. It's all a huge psy op (whether it's intended that way or not is a different thing) to just get you to stay on the game for as long as possible and maybe even spend some money on it.
The only hope for players like us are the competitor games coming out, such as UFL, Goals, etc.