Alright, Berbatov is fun. His first touch is obviously insane, but just seeing him in my squad makes me happy. He's really complete and I should've used a bigger player as a false 9 earlier. I can go route 2 when getting pressed and he will win most headers(loses against the Van Dijks of this world, but who wouldn't?)
Also scored the most Berbatov-esque goal. Goalkeeper punched it away and hit the most casual bicycle kick with a loop over the goalkeeper and defenders.
Started up a new account for this game, wasn't sure I was gonna buy it, as I usually get tired of the power creep before the new year..
Can't seem to remember my old account/nick, but I was fairly active in these threads for a while.
Going to go without buying any points this year.
Started last night, but have won my first 15 games in a row. I guess that's an advantage of starting later than a lot of returning players.
Keeping it fairly simple so far.
My 4-3-3(5) looks like this
GK: Comes for Crosses, Sweeper Keeper
RB: Invert, balanced
LB: Invert, Balanced
CBs: None
CDM: Stay back, cover centre
LCM: Free Roam, Get forward, Get into box for cross
RCM: Free roam, Stay on edge of box for crosses, Aggressive interceptions (As I have Barella who can run for days)
LW: Stay wide
CF: F9
RW: Stay wide
Custom tacs:
Balanced (Did think I was on PAPL, so have changed to that now...)
W: 38
Depth: 78
Slow build Up
W: 67
Players in box: 8
I'm so glad inverting fullbacks really works this year, get's me a nice 3-2-5 or 2-3-5-shape like I'm after.
Midfielders are really productive, especially Brandt on LCM, who get's asked to get forward.
Wingers also chip in with goals, but it's important for them to stay wide to stretch the pitch, so they don't get as many goals with this set-up.
I've finally gotten in Darmian and used my first chem style to get him on anchor.
Lautaro, Kvaradona, Pedro, Brandt, Kimmich and Grimaldo are without chem styles while the others have been purchased with them. Currently prioritizing getting in managers as buying contracts is boring and I want to maximize them.
IF Grimaldo is probably my next investment and I want Neuer when I have the opportunity.
My 3-4-2-1 idea looks like this
GK: Come for crosses, sweep keep
CBs: Normal
RM: Stay wide, GIB
LM: Stay wide, GIB, Get back on defence
RCM: Stay back
LCM: Stay back
ST: None
LCF: F9, get back on defence.
Probably the same team instructions, have yet to have a difficult match where it would be advantageous to switch, but in theory it's as good as always.
Edit: Pedro & Bonucci are underrated specials. Martinez is scoring and assisting for fun. Pedro and Lautaro would probably have been better with chemistry styles and less RQs against 🙂
Kimmich is fantastic, he is untradable so I built the squad around him. He's probably not OP, but is a fantastic passer for a DM, while he has the defensive stats to do the job. Also is my main corner taker, and although I seldom whip it in directly, he has gotten a few assists from getting the ball back from the player coming short and crossing.
After squad battle and champs rewards, I'm stuck with about 250k and no clue what to do with it.
It's the vicious circle of UT:
I start with the 433(5) as that's what I'm usually good at→get bored with it, want to use a targetman→can't find a fun targetman/use a targetman, but can't get it to work→use the 433(5)→get bored