Forum Discussion

Re: Ea FC 24 When Playing Online there is huge delay when i press the controller

Hellou. I have been closely monitoring the input delay situation ever since we entered early access on 22nd. Having read hundreds of comments, guides and tech savants reasoning i've come to comclusion - it is what it is. I'm annualy playing fifa since '17. It's the same story every year even more so after Frostbite upgrade. For AMD users looking for a quasi-solution here is what i found out and has been working for me.

In AMD Adrenaline:

-keep general graphic settings on default

-add FC 24 to games by searching for a custom game

-inside FC 24 settings keep it default except for:

  - Vsync = Always OFF

  - Radeon Chill = Your Monitor's refresh rate - 3

Do not play on 144Hz or highter. I've reduced mine to 120, capped the fps with R-Chill and it's somewhat working. Game keeps stable 120 fps with +- 9 ms input lag. Cutscenes and set-pieces are full 120fps, no hitching or stuttering. 

In Game Settings:

-Borderless Fullscreen

-Uncapped FPS

- Vsync OFF

- Set Cutscenes to Half-Refresh Rate

-Graphic details tune to your liking, i've set mine to medium.

Hours it took me to fine tune it to result in minimum input lag which is playable for most of the day.

It's game issue in it's core. It works flawless on 60hz screens and capped fps. They more high-end machine you run and more fps you expect the more input lag you get. 


As for our beloved Community Managers. I'm an EA forums enjoyer each year with the same complaints. People like @EA_Aljo or @EA_Darko are the same people that denied all the issues back with FIFA 19. They cannot and will never admit there is a game issue. Forget about hearing that. It's not their job. Admitting to a fault would mean they acknowledge the issue and are working on fix. They are not. They have been deniers for years now. It's most likely "you" problem. They rather make a fool out of you than accept proof. That said, i enjoy FC 24 like every year. Finally it works somewhat good. It's not console quality.Thanks for reading and glhf with FC 24. o/

22 Replies

  • @rrcCas u are a legend bro . This helped so much almost no more input lag . Maybe like sometimes for a few seconds i could feel smth , but in general much better . Thanks a lot .
  • Loool this issue made me quit playing 22 and 23

    It's occurring in offline modes if play it long enough and it has nothing to do with your connection 

    Try to disconnect entirely from the Internet and play offline for a bit of time and record not for any prof since they know the issue but ignore it  but to test for your own sake 

    The fat man lag is apparent in all platforms and there was a long going complains in the nfl forum too because they share the same engine as fifa 

    This year has the same performance fat man lag issues and its happening in the ps5 also 

  • rrcCas's avatar
    2 years ago
    @megalofifa you need to set Radeon Chill to the same value as Min and Max
    Meaning 60 hz display = 57/57 120 hz display = 117/117 and so on
  • Man that actually made the game a bit more playable. This issue has been driving me nuts. My PC is more than capable of running FC24 at max settings. Even the menus run so smoothly but whenever I go online, there is so much input delay. I have tried everything even changing controllers. My console freinds aren't facing these issues as much as I am. And here I can clearly see that its mostly persistent on PC. This makes me so sad because I even thought about selling my high end pc and getting a series S and a smaller pc. But that would be soo stupid for the sake of this stupid game. I am just wishing that the new football games that come out are better then EA's *. No other online game gives me this type of trouble. The ping in those games never lie. I dont understand why EA cant do the same. Just make the game work according to the ping. From COD to battlefield. Every other game runs smooth and if the ping is high then the ping is high, its not gonna lie to me saying that my ping is fine but I'm gonna get * leggy gameplay. I really hope that this time the community can get through to the DEV's some way to actually make a difference.

    This is the video link to the delay. After trying the steps mentioned by the community, the delay is a bit better but gameplay speed ups and disconnections are still an issue.

  • Begusz's avatar
    2 years ago

    Hey Man. How did you fix your issue ? I’ve been having the same input delay on my pc and nothing works for me.

  • @rrcCas


    really thankfull mate,it helped really :D

    but what did u select on at least fps on radion chill ?

    really thankfull, i wish u the best mate.
  • OranskiAdi's avatar
    2 years ago
    @Siyah-Hige Fake comment alert. 100% someone from support wrote it.

    Nothing works because one match is fine and another u can’t do anything not because player is better just your team move slowly like this support helping anyone.
  • rrcCas's avatar
    2 years ago

    Calm down mate. It does work somewhat. I've been fighting with delay since early access. Stop looking for inside agents. 

    Last post settings has been on and off for me. Ended up with these:

    I've reduced refresh rate of my display to 120


       General Graphic on default

       Add FC 24 to games and set Chill to 120/120. Vsync Always OFF rest default

    It's been on and off and it is literally driving me insane at this point. One more thing i recommend you try. Set refresh to 60hz across all your displays. In amd set Vsync Always ON rest keep default.

    IN-GAME is all the same:


    No FPS cap

    vsync off

    cutscenes at half

    hair off

    details medium or low.

    I'm so * mad you have no idea. While it's really playable now it's not consistent at all. GLHF stay stronge.

  • I found a solution to the controller not working in rivals. Lock the fps to 30 and the controller works. I know its not the optimal but is the only solution that worked for me. I hope EA fixes this bug and we can enjoy the game eventually.

  • shaunhabib10's avatar
    2 years ago

    I'm getting 20-30 ping continuous but no controller input is being detected in online matches, the keyboard is being detected but fluctuates between good input response and then terrible delay. 

    I am using lowest possible settings too but this doesn't help

  • Maagray's avatar
    2 years ago

    I played the game earlier today and the input delay was massive, more or less unplayable.

    I tried again now, just past midnight, and the game is butter smooth - so satisfying. 

    Wish the game was like this all the time..

    The problem must be related to the massive player base overloading the server capacity at day time. 

    I’ve also tested my connection both times and the speedtest show the exact same result - day or night. 

  • Same problem here, sometimes smooth normal gameplay, but most of the times ii is input lag, and slow stuck in mud gameplay.

    it's the same thing every year...

  • nalkin's avatar
    2 years ago

    Legitimately unplayable. How hard is it to have low response times in a 1v1 game, when there are FPS games that manage to track 256 people simultaneously + their respective projectiles + destructive environments without any issues? It blows my mind how FIFA struggles with the same sluggishness year after year 

  • I have just uninstalled all ea games i had installed on my xbox. No more frustrating and try fight with this cheating company. No support, no any solutions or even try help for customer.

    I wondering how is it possible that such a big company can sell 100% legally something for 100$ and no take any responsibility for product which they sell. I feel like i thrown this money to garbage. Maybe all players with this problem should unite, get a lawyer and sue this company as a group. Maybe then they would return the money and stop selling this crap.

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