Re: Ea FC 24 When Playing Online there is huge delay when i press the controller
Hellou. I have been closely monitoring the input delay situation ever since we entered early access on 22nd. Having read hundreds of comments, guides and tech savants reasoning i've come to comclusion - it is what it is. I'm annualy playing fifa since '17. It's the same story every year even more so after Frostbite upgrade. For AMD users looking for a quasi-solution here is what i found out and has been working for me.
In AMD Adrenaline:
-keep general graphic settings on default
-add FC 24 to games by searching for a custom game
-inside FC 24 settings keep it default except for:
- Vsync = Always OFF
- Radeon Chill = Your Monitor's refresh rate - 3
Do not play on 144Hz or highter. I've reduced mine to 120, capped the fps with R-Chill and it's somewhat working. Game keeps stable 120 fps with +- 9 ms input lag. Cutscenes and set-pieces are full 120fps, no hitching or stuttering.
In Game Settings:
-Borderless Fullscreen
-Uncapped FPS
- Vsync OFF
- Set Cutscenes to Half-Refresh Rate
-Graphic details tune to your liking, i've set mine to medium.
Hours it took me to fine tune it to result in minimum input lag which is playable for most of the day.
It's game issue in it's core. It works flawless on 60hz screens and capped fps. They more high-end machine you run and more fps you expect the more input lag you get.
As for our beloved Community Managers. I'm an EA forums enjoyer each year with the same complaints. People like @EA_Aljo or @EA_Darko are the same people that denied all the issues back with FIFA 19. They cannot and will never admit there is a game issue. Forget about hearing that. It's not their job. Admitting to a fault would mean they acknowledge the issue and are working on fix. They are not. They have been deniers for years now. It's most likely "you" problem. They rather make a fool out of you than accept proof. That said, i enjoy FC 24 like every year. Finally it works somewhat good. It's not console quality.Thanks for reading and glhf with FC 24. o/