2 years ago
Can't figure out how countries/regions are counted
There is this level in Moments where you need to build a team with a chemistry of 33 and the players (incl. reserves) can't be from more than 4 countries/regions. It doesn't matter what I do, but I never seem to be able to put together an appropriate team. Can someone please explain to me how countries/regions are counted. It is not obvious at all.
To demonstrate my problem, let me show you what I see when I try to put together that same team (but excluding reserves). All my players are Spanish, they are only from two different clubs, yet it's telling me I have 11 different countries/regions?
I am so confused, I don't even want to know how many coins I wasted on trying to buy players such that this works.
- @37aeb39b26ff1e63 It's not telling you you have 11 different countries, it is saying you have more than 4 players from one country.
So you need max 4 spanish then players of other nations max 4 of each nation/region.