@JustinCase0110 wrote:
I see you're right about Brøndby not being the final Danish club out there. My mistake, this new format still confuses me a little. I am however happy that clubs don't fall from one competition to the other, qualifying through a 3rd place finish like before. That's a welcome change IMO.
Brøndby losing in an even contest with Real Betis is a respectable exit. Fun to see the Spanish side come up against FC København next. But it also raises questions for Brøndby fans. Whom to cheer for? Should one hope for a win for the Copenhagen side to win important coefficient points for Denmark? Or would the "we beat those that beat you" banter be too much to bear? All rationality aside, VIVA LOS VERDIBLANCOS!
Yes, not falling back to a lesser tournament seems good indeed. But this new league format is still too easy for the bigger clubs, honestly: money and coefficient points, that is. All one has to do is not be in that bottom third.
As you know, I'm keeping track of the virtual coefficient points and the distances between what are considered bigger and smaller teams are noticeable.
I would therefore elaborate the qualifying route a bit and make the head tournament a bit more congested. That way smaller teams from smaller countries can get their points by getting into that tournament, while bigger teams have much more of a challenge and will be spilling points to one another. That would even out the difference, at least in the rankings: in the end everyone will much rather see an English or Spanish team play, than an anonymous team from a smaller country. But they too deserve a (more equal) shot at glory.
And where do we save games? Well, I like the Nations League and I'd be all for it if that would replace the EURO end-tournament. The team winning the Nations League is allowed to call itself European Champions. And the Nations League in the run up to a World Cup is the qualifying tournament - 8 teams on level A qualify directly, the bottom 8 go to play-offs with the top 8 of level B. It saves two international qualifying rounds and one end-tournament: that's 10-14 games every regular season, up to 21 every fourth year.
And about the Danish team left in my career: I never think according to national sentiment: as an Ajax-fan, I dislike Feyenoord with every football fibre in my body, while I don't consider PSV even to be a club and short of relegation (because then, we wouldn't play them at all) I don't like to see them win anything. So I agree with you @JustinCase0110 (if I were a Brøndby-fan) to support anybody going against FC København.