Forum Discussion
So, a month has passed now, and there’s no sign of anything regarding this massive problem.
Nobody from the company said anything other than that soulless ‘Oh, strange. We need more information.’ response.
Nobody acknowledges this matter and tells us they are actually working on it now and then.
Nobody follows you guys and even attempts to gather more information on their end.
It’s the customer who needs to gather and present the fine analysis for their fault.
I’m not sure if anyone from the company is seriously trying to find out what’s going on and solve this matter.
I think they just say that they are ‘doing’ something when certain topic gets more concurrence.
A month has passed.
In between that time, I’ve never heard anything about this whatsoever from this great, diligent company.
In my eyes, that’s what the company should do. Stay in touch with people who report some problems, and regularly communicate with them so that the customers are aware of it.
Instead, I’ve been left in the dark, not knowing anything and just endlessly waiting.
Of course, I would just wait patiently if EA has the record of fixing issues in good time when a problem arises.
But are they? No.
I’m pretty sure this issue won’t be resolved until the end of this cycle. I reckon I’ll be enjoying this half-baked mode in May of 2025.
Why would EA care? Career Modes don’t make money, it’s not their priority.
My god, this is embarrassing.
Now, if somebody from EA comes rushing and says ‘Oh, yeah, we do read this forum and blah blah blah…’, I don’t believe you.
You might read, yes. But you’re doing nothing after that.
If you are really working on this, prove it.
Tell us what’s going on. Tell us what you have gathered so far. Tell us how you see this issue. Tell us what kinds of methods you are trying to solve this. Tell us how you are planning to resolve this.
Don’t expect people to just think you are doing something when you are showing nothing. You don’t have that reputation. When you’re silent, people think you are clueless. I think you’re clueless at least.
So, tell me something.
Your game is a complete collection of unfinished incompetence. Everything’s broken from top to bottom. So, please fix this issue at least so that I can play this game on my own to its bare minimum.
It's embarrassing that this isn't going to be fixed in the next Title Update.
Not sure if the settings really matter? I have it on "alternate" but during regular squad matches I can sprint perfectly fine. It's just in player career that it doesn't work.
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