15 hours agoNewcomer
Can't open packs
Hi, I bought a pack and it contained a free gold pack, but every time I try to redeem it I get booted out and it says there are issues with ea servers. Can someone help?
Hi, I bought a pack and it contained a free gold pack, but every time I try to redeem it I get booted out and it says there are issues with ea servers. Can someone help?
This has been going on for nearly 12 hours now in eastern Canada I woke up early before work to buy szn progress packs so I can get lvl 40 icon pp this was at 6:30am it’s now 4:30pm and still no luck, surly we get compensation? Refund the fifa points cause this is beyond ridiculous
Also since it’s says “disconnected from ea servers “ when u try to open it I’d assumed if I went offline it would work but nope you cannot log onto fut without internet smh wtf ea how does this bug occur 7 months into the dam game.. I’m a huge fan of this game beeen for years I’m beyond pissed
Can't see us getting a refund, hopefully it'll be sorted soon
As long as it works for fut birthday (my fav promo every year) I will be happy hopefully we all get a 88+ fut bday pp if this goes on throughout the promo
And that’s why ea is so **bleep** people can change the language and get a cracked icon player pick but us who are generally being screwed over get nothing in return smh sorry for my rant I was looking forward to my lvl 40 Pp
Hello,did your problem got solved ?
What will be the compansation,please start being more serious about this,I'am playing FUT for 15 years...
I also have the same problem, for about 4 hours now.