19 hours agoNewcomer
Can't open packs
Hi, I bought a pack and it contained a free gold pack, but every time I try to redeem it I get booted out and it says there are issues with ea servers. Can someone help?
Hi, I bought a pack and it contained a free gold pack, but every time I try to redeem it I get booted out and it says there are issues with ea servers. Can someone help?
I have the same issue pal, spoke with EA Help and they saying the issue is well known and they are trying to sort it out. It needs sorting as I can't open any other packs until this is sorted
Ah fair one mate, I've got money to burn and packs to open 🤣
Should be solved soon then?
Hopefully 🤞
So happy I found my people I’m pissed I bought packs to complete the szn but I can’t cause of this dam bug
The worst thing is about this is we surly don’t care about that little pack causing this bug can they just wipe it from our accounts so we can move on
Really glad to hear I'm not alone. Got the same issue, did the ICON SBC, one of the free gold packs contained a "Free Gold Pack" (*card.desc.FreeGoldPack) which crashes when I try to open it. Thought it might work on the Web App or Companion, but reports an issue with "Login Services" when tried on those.
So now am completely stuck, can't open anything at all. :-(.
At a guess it feels like it's trying to open a pack that no longer exists or has expired or something. Hence the crash.
Hope they fix it soon, was looking forwards to rivals rewards tomorrow - but can't open anything.
How long do these things normally last?
That was my thought, I wondered if there was an option to "abandon pack" or something because I suspect it'll contain nothing useful. But doesn't seem to be any way to throw it away.... so stuck in the endless loop - try and buy a pack, you've things to open.... then back to the single gold pack (maybe R9 is in there????! ....) and booted out every single time.
I’ve been having this problem the last hour been trying to open a pack I got within a pack , game is full of endless bugs and problems yet we have to put up with it all time