6 months ago
Unfortunately I've been experiencing ingame slowness since Saturday (21/09), on the day of launch I played more than 10 hours calmly without any problems, with the settings in "automatic" mode, the n...
Here's the settings I use on PC with a 3070 Ti, makes the game playable 90% of the time. I'm on Nvidia so for AMD users just check the AMD driver settings.
In game display settings
Resolution: 1920x1080
Display mode: full screen
Refresh rate: 120hz (only set to 120 if your monitor is 120hz or higher)
FPS: no limit (will lock to 60 in driver settings)
Vertical sync: off
Dynamic resolution scale: off
Cutscene quality: full frame rate
Strand based hair: off
Rendering quality: auto
Grass quality: low
Crowd quality: low
Cloth quality: medium
Ambient occlusion quality: auto
Apply the changes.
Driver Settings (Nvidia control panel --> manage 3D settings --> program settings --> fc25.exe)
Low latency mode: on
Max frame rate: 60 fps (for some reason (probably because the game was coded for consoles) the game runs smoother at 60fps)
Texture filtering - anisotropic sample: off
Texture filtering - quality: quality
Texture filtering - trilinear: on
After setting everything make sure to click Apply on to bottom right
Hope it helps.