EA fix matchmaking
EA FIX YOUR MATCHMAKING i lost 5-6games in row in div 4 and i was hopping on decent player to have some chances but no next 3games at list div 1 players with full team of icons or team of year players or best players from this season/promo i think this game become pay to win game if you don`t have best players from game you doom to lose and meet div 1 elite players at div 4-5 because you want to offer fast games and this is getting frustrate to lose all the time 6-2 8-0 on div 4 when to see next player is full meta with team of div 1 this ridicules your matchmaking you start false advertise at the start when you say your matchmaking will be better( sure if that mean i must to meet player with div 1 team in div 4) Please start fixing your matchmaking this not all right you lose 5-6 game in row and still get other div 1 players you can see skills of player when he play can recognise game play fix