Forum Discussion
I was very adamant on the previous forums and now answers about how bad the past 5-6 fifa have been with special attention to the last 3. I never thought that it could go downhill so fast. At least the last few were playable at launch and in many ways they just got worse throughout the year with all the suspected things going on behind the gameplay, the patches, cards getting nerfed, crappy gameplay.
BUT THIS GAME, is on a different level of jacked up. You can’t even play the way you want anymore. Other years you could play your style and know you would lose but at least have some respect. This gameplay now is basically who gets the right bounce, lobbed ball, or godly keeper. God forbid you have lag because then the L1 speed boost trick will do you in quickly.
you can’t turn, pass, defend, switch, cross, shoot. It’s all completely broken. With a million tactics and settings, nothing is consistent, it’s a different/worse game every time in turn it back on.
The numbers don’t like either. This game is terrible on every level. Game sales are already down 5% from last year. It’s the lowest rated EA FC and FIFA game in this Franchise’s history. Active player count is consistently decreasing. It’s evidently clear the developers put more emphasis on micro transactions than on any effort to improve the gameplay and all the mechanics associated with it.
All and all the facts are there.
- ASAP_Ewok5 months agoRising Scout@ASAP_Ewok In terms of tactics and gameplay nothing works like it should. Holding midfielders play like they are CAMs,. Passing is at this point is so terrible and causes unforced errors like crazy. EA developers shut off the passing and shooting indicators for all online games. Btw proving that they blatantly know passing mechanics are terrible and need to be addressed. Instead of fixing it, they tried to hide it. Why else make it so you can’t use the shooting and passing indicators for all online games when you could use it last year in EA FC 24… makes absolutely no that you can’t turn it on this year… players switching is delayed and doesn’t switch you to the right person, even if you are using the directional switching. The input delay standout especially when dribbling. They tried to make this game more technical and it failed miserably.
- brebike5 months agoRising Scout
We live in times where AI can (re)create literally everything existing and non existing on this planet. I can't believe this is the best you can come up with while developing a football game if you would really make an effort
- MikeBru21025 months agoNew Ace
@ASAP_Ewok Auto switching didn't even work for me this morning. I was trying to manually switch to close down attackers and that didn't work, I tried using the bumper on the controller and the right stick, and neither of them worked. I had an attacker bearing down on goal with my defender running next to him and there was a white triangle above his head, so auto switching didn't work either.
- Skeelo62 months agoSeasoned Novice
I'm experiencing the same issue, passing is horrific and results errors costing you a win. It is as if the AI over rides your input, I have changed setting from manual to semi even assisted, it still does it's own crazy thing.
The tactics work when it feels like it, there are times players feel like spectators.
Switching players while defending is a nightmare, and worst when the opposition counters. Whether it be set to goal side or closest to the ball, it randomly selects the worst placed player...
And I just purchased the game 10days ago...and the * storm has already started.
- 4 months ago
I've been playing FIFA (now EAFC) regularly since 2008. From then until around 2013, I genuinely believe those were some of the best football games and simulators ever made. However, between 2014 and 2018, the quality became inconsistent — some releases were good, while others fell short. Then came 2019, which was one of the worst games I’d ever played. Ever since, I can't help but feel foolish for spending my money on this “thing.”
Thankfully, I’ve avoided going all-in on Ultimate Team and have never spent a cent on it. I know EA will never change something that brings in millions, and worse, there are players out there dropping hundreds to gain an edge, fooling themselves into thinking it makes them great players. Meanwhile, EA just keeps raking in profit, so where’s the motivation for them to make a genuinely good game?
Honestly, the people behind these games don’t seem to care about football or understand it. They act like football is just another freestyle show — but that’s not real football! Even at Ronaldinho’s peak, we never saw anything close to what they’ve turned this game into. The ridiculous mechanics — like how some players are practically glued to the ball when holding L1, or how they glide past defenders as if on skates — ruin the experience. They can run circles around everyone, dribble in the box endlessly, and score without breaking a sweat or losing the ball. It’s beyond ridiculous!
Then there are the constant rebounds always landing for the opponent and the long-range shots that fly in, like something out of an anime. It’s laughable. I know I’m just one voice, and EA couldn’t care less about my opinion, but maybe they should spend even an hour and a half watching a real football match. Even a fifth-division game would teach them what football should be.
We want a simulator, not an arcade game. So, I’ve decided never to buy another EA game again. I’m enjoying UFL; it’s far from perfect, but at least it’s not this mess we’re forced to play year after year.- brebike4 months agoRising Scout
@redevil_86 You're not the only one. There are a lot of people on this forum and many more online, saying the same thing over and over again. No one listens. As long as they stick with this game engine, nothing will change. They are trying to make it work for years already, with no success. Gameplay blows, responsiveness blows, natural movement blows and now they screwed up the tactics part as well.
@ea Can you please change the title of the topic and remove the 'on release'? I think we can all agree by now this is 'the worst fifa game ever' *period*
- blue1664 months agoSeasoned Veteran
I think we all know that the game behaves very strange more so this year then previous ones. The mechanics are odd. The fact the you can really dominate someone, yet they move defence very little yet can be so defensively sound and win the ball back from the AI.
It is very wrong and simply protecting players who should be exposed for not being very good at actually defending and playing any kind of football. It's poor on EAs behalf that the game has come to this.
The game is beyond strange in its nature and certainly does not feel totally finished and in a fit state to play. I only play it at a push because I love my football and like to create a way to play. But the game this year more so than others is really testing me and in ways makes me want to put it down and play something else.
It's feels like a chore more now than ever.
Can't see this version changing much unless they dumb down some things and stop protecting those who are not as good.
- vfxhomeland2 months agoSeasoned Rookie
An absolute trash game...
- Duncandg2 months agoSeasoned Traveler
After last patch its became totally garbage, rivals are unplayable
- 2 months ago
Agreed. I just feel EA only wants profit out of consumers' purchases. In a nutshell:
"Thanks for buying our products. Now go f yourself."My bet is FIFA did a good decision not to let this company f their brands.
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