@Tauntmatt adding to your list as well:
1. Ball bounce/deflection is so unreal, I've lost the amount of times that the ball bounce has landed back at the oppositions feet.
2. Tackling a player results in the standing up right and running away with the ball like nothing happened
3. Trivelas are stupid again and need to be nerfed. How can someone score every time with a trivela outside the box yet when you are in the box the keepers save everything.
4. Auto player switching is broken and pulls a player from across the other side of the pitch instead of the player who is literally standing where the ball drops
5. It's so clear that this game is Pay To Win, the pack weight in UT is horrendous and it's encouraging people to spend money on what is essentially gambling.
Also like to back the whole 5 man defence thing as everyone is using it and it can't be broken down.
Game is dead already but as long as the money keep flowing, these types of games won't change.