Forum Discussion
as of FIFA 23 on PS4, there was restrictive matchmaking. it definitely worked. and i already said that restrictive marchmaking does not mean 4 star vs 4 star strictly. it can be 4 star vs 4.5 stars. there are plenty of people using 4.5 star teams. but in ea fc 24, ea decided to take the mad decision to just let it be a free for all and let 4 star teams and even 3.5 star teams meet 5 star teams. you can’t understand the concept of 4 v 4.5 star team?
The difference between you and me is that I am fine with playing vs. better teams.
To become a better player you have to play vs. better players.
Playing vs. equal players will expand the process getting better and better.
These better players will do moves, passes and pressing a worse player would not do.
You learn from the better players/teams to win, not from the worse.
- blue1666 months agoSeasoned VeteranHi All,
OK, I am now going to weigh in on this one since not everyone likes Ultimate Team and tbh I have never liked the idea of it and never enjoyed the thought of boost cards etc... and all the tosh that comes with it. But that is IMO.
So, I have always been a Seasons player from day dot. I have played every (yes every) FIFA/EAFC installment. PES etc...
Enough about that.
So, for Seasons you will sometimes see 20K+ at any given time playing online. It was a great move by EA to add cross play so Xbox players could play PC and PlayStation, vice versa etc...
So there is plenty of people playing at any given time in Europe. I was playing with 4 and a half star Chelsea last Season (for most of it) Now, most of the time I do the following as I know how the match making in this game works. I search and back out after 5 seconds, search again rinse and repeat until I find a game. You will find after EA made changes that by doing that it will lock you in to a match often quicker and usually more likely to meet within half a star of what you have chosen. More times than not it will try to get you are 4 and a half star. But if you leave the search longer it searches further a field (so higher latency game as opponent will be further away) and it will then attempt to find you any opponent on any star.
The key here is to leave the search for around 5 seconds then back out and repeat. It has worked for me the last 2 FIFAs and I continue to do this for match making.
I also hate International teams playing club etc... so I nail it right down.
I suggest you try that search method for starters.
Personally. I don't mind meeting Man City, Real Madrid etc... as I like attempting to beat those people and get great satisfaction in doing so. But I totally understand people wanting the star they are playing with.
Seasons is a great mode for those who prefer stock teams and stock players. I for one definitely do.
Let me know how you get on. I am a super veteran of this game. - 6 months ago
@blue166 thanks for the reply and for confirming that seasons database of players is larger than people think.
you have raised an interesting point with regards to how if a game is found within 5 seconds, it is most likely a fair match. although if u are using chelsea as a 4.5 star team, i think man city and real madrid will be considered fair matches too as chelsea is only 0.5 stars away. i recall before ea fc 24, the 4.5 star teams were divided into 2 - the stronger 4.5 star teams were able to get real madrid, man city etc. the weaker ones like newcastle, bayer leverkusen will not. that was the era of genuine, real proper restrictive matchmaking and i really hope it returns in ea fc 25. i have been trying to confirm this but all of the ea moderators here simply ignore this thread, even though it has the highest post counts
- blue1666 months agoSeasoned Veteran
No problem.
Yeah, the 5 second search would more times than not result in me meeting other 4.5 star teams. As I say I leave it for 5 then stop and repeat until a game is found.
I can certainly understand that those playing with 3-4 star teams would not enjoy being put up against Real Madrid and Man City alot.
As you mention 4.5 star is a lot closer to 5 and the 0.5 swing I also remember and am fine with that.
Let's hope Seasons is fun.
- 6 months ago
@blue166 just like you, i have zero interest in the rubbish mode that is UT. only ever play seasons.
it excites me to see that real stadiums for feyenoord, sporting lisbon, galatasaray and going to be newly included. those are 3 teams i use alot in fifa 23 and before. but if they dont fix the restrictive matchmaking, there really isnt a point at all.
- 6 months ago
@dazzelecloudy Yes there are more stadiums like Lille or Lens in France, so I could play with these teams. Hope EA will fix that but nobody responds to us. As you, I’m fed up with FUT, gameplay is too fast, so i prefer to play with real teams
- 6 months ago
@martinhoAlonso Roma and Napoli are also back with real kits which is exciting. @EA_Pulsar we are waiting for a reply since months ago.
agree that UT is rubbish - never spent one second on it before. actually if EA isn’t interested in online seasons, just give it up to another gaming company to develop the seasons full version and stop wasting our time
- 6 months ago
@dazzelecloudy the 5sec search, does it work? I will try it. But it’s a shame how EA considers us. There are a lot of people playing Seasons too. Nearly 20k each time I play this mode
- 6 months ago
@martinhoAlonso dont seem to work sadly. i picked bournemouth, got a match in 5 seconds it is man city lololol. it is depressing. i am waiting for reviews on this forum before i buy ea fc 25. i am not spending 90 euros to play real madrid non stop
- 6 months ago
@dazzelecloudy I will do as you. If not fixed , not Buy it. EA is dumb , there is an online Seasons community and they will lose it and so they will lose money. There are another games, not only FC 25
- 6 months ago
@martinhoAlonso agreed. i remember fifa 23 and before where you could have games like brighton vs borussia dortmund, lille vs napoli, newcastle vs psv. so, so much more fun
- 6 months ago
@EA_QueenBee more ignoring from someone who says be kind to each other. shameful and disgraceful
- EA_Illium6 months ago
Community Manager
Hey Everyone,
Thank you for sharing feedback with the community on Answers HQ and taking a moment to let us know what you would like to see with EA Sports FC.
I wanted to take a brief moment to remind everyone while we love to see feedback and passion for EA Sports FC, we do have forum rules and guidelines for everyone to follow.
If we are unable to keep conversations politely and respectful we may need to lock this thread.
- blue1666 months agoSeasoned Veteran
I think as long as the community know that the issue is being looked at that will reassure everyone that EA is going to fix it.
I totally agree that if by all costs the game can't find someone a 3 star match for example then it will look for half a star more at a time etc... then user can decide to proceed or not with the match.
We are passionate Seasons players 😀
- 6 months ago
@EA_Illium i am trying to have a conversation by aaking a question regarding matchmaking. none of the EA advisors have even bothered to reply me. Is your warning directed to their sheer rudeness?
- 6 months ago
in fact in the seasons played by a very large number of people, I do not understand why EA did not set up the correct selection of players, this is a very important parameter of the game, and it completely breaks the gameplay, when playing for Sporting or Benfica you are constantly thrown France or Real Madrid in what the interest of such a game if all the opposing players are faster than you in every game moment. For me it is not clear why EA for such a long period of time did not fix anything, I think for them it is very simple, maybe they do not know about this problem ?
p.s I used to play UT, but every year this mode began to turn into a children's arcade, hockey scores like 8-7 or 7-6, UT mode is made so that everything flew in from different angles, it causes laughter, where one player using feints can pass half the team and score a goal) no, it is not like soccer, so I moved to the seasons online there is much less of this
- 6 months ago
@EVG_UK25 thank you for speaking up. indeed the ridiculous matchmaking continues and nobody knows why EA refuses to admit and fix itx all they do is to send a warning here asking us to mind what we say, but still ignore us! shameful
- 6 months ago
so frustrating when the developers and EA as a whole don’t listen to the community. it is not like we are asking for a lot - we just want basic features in the game to work, and are being constantly gaslit by EA. shameful company
- 6 months ago
just played seasons cup mode on ea fc 24, picked napoli 4.5 star teams. i could not get real madrid or man city. the only 5 star teams i could get were barcelona and liverpool. restrictive matchmaking actually WORKS in cup mode!! the game actively filtered away the more higher rated 5 star teams. i also got a stream of other 4.5 star teams like spurs, man u, sevilla. amazing. when it could not find me a suitable opponent, it told me so and i clicked search again.
once i returned to seasons league, the nonsense began again. man city, real madrid, real madrid, man city, real madrid.
big question is why ea stubbornly refuse to apply restrictive matchmaking to seasons league mode??? ughhhh
- 6 months ago
@EA_Hux how about some answers whether restrictive matchmaking works??
- 6 months ago
@dazzelecloudy You’re losing your time, they won’t answer you. It is 20 Times we are asking the question and no answer. And the ot her Hand they answer very quickly concerning UT and pre-command. Money, money,money,$$$$£ ……
- 6 months ago
@EA_LeonSK shame on all of you at EA. you’ll get your karmic retribution
- 6 months ago
300 posts and you ignore all of us. shameful money grubbing people all of you at EA
- 6 months ago
EA is probably only interested in UT mode because there are donations and money coming in, maybe they want as few people as possible to play in seasons and are trying to lure them to UT ))
- 6 months ago
disgusting behaviour as usual. @EA_Hux you proud of yourself? what is the point of thie forum when there are no responses to questions people ask. swindlers
- 6 months ago
@EA_Darko where’s the reply to seasons players? aren’t you ashamed of the way you treat us??
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